Wednesday 27 January 2016

Articles: Poverty may alter the wiring of kids’ brains / Children from wealthy families grow up as extroverts, earn more in life

Article: Poverty may alter the wiring of kids’ brains

This is something that I've written about on this blog before, and I've said that the greatest harm done by poverty is the impact it has on a person's dopamine availability, which all development is conditional to.

The added stress in the lives of poor people creates more tasks for their brains, which drags on their dopamine availability, as dopamine is required to make choices, and worries involve lots of perpetual choice-making while a person tries to keep themselves afloat. This drag on a person's dopamine availability is what leads to depression and many other disorders, such as psychosis and anxiety.

Dopamine is what gives a brain its work potential, and when a brain's dopamine availability becomes impoverished, that gets reflected in its development. And poverty's greatest harm is the impact that it has on a person's dopamine availability, with low dopamine leading to all sorts of negative health developments.

Mental stress is literally a lack of available dopamine within a brain, meaning that a brain is trying to do more work than it has the dopamine to properly handle. Boosting dopamine conversely creates the opposite situation as that of a stressed brain, which is why "smart drugs" like modafinil, and other powerful dopaminergics like cocaine very effectively increase a person's cognition, control and accuracy of thought, and their overall working smarts.

Mice Fed with Cocaine Show Growth in Brain Areas Linked with Learning, Memory
Cocaine enhances memory storage in mice
Cocaine self-administration improves performance in a highly demanding water maze task.
Dopamine impacts your willingness to work
Cocaine study that got up the nose of the US
1995 World Health Organization cocaine report

Now, in the reverse situation, where worries aren't challenging a brain's dopamine budget, the opposite outcome occurs.

Article: Children from wealthy families grow up as extroverts, earn more in life

Dopamine's influence is simply like a dial that increases all a person's mental capacities when it is increased, and conversely diminishes all a person's mental capacities when decreased. A person's physical capacities are dependent upon their mental capacities, so these decrease as well with lower dopamine, and increase with higher dopamine.

Dopamine, effectively, is everything to human health, happiness, success, enjoyable experience, control. Because all these things are the expression of signals being able to be assemble, and considerations working with each other - and dopamine is the mechanism that lets any information assemble within a brain, and enables a person to make a choice. Without dopamine, a person can't know, and can't even know what it is they want to know. The human brain is wholly dependent upon having enough dopamine, and without dopamine, a person's positive brain activity stalls, and the person's life is left stagnant or in state of total dependency on things outside of themselves. But with dopamine, everything works.

Back to the second linked-to article, the less available dopamine a person has, the fewer and smaller the considerations they are able to work with at one time without becoming overwhelmed, panicked, stressed, exhausted, etc. The nature of being extroverted is the product of having the dopamine availability to power the sight of mind to see how things come together, to act and navigate comfortably within one's environment.

Also, memory formation and recollection is automatic when there is ample dopamine to handle the considering of experiences, which is what forms memory, and as experiences consider, they become a part of the structure of the brain.

People who grow up in non stressful households, to go on to have a good education and get a good-paying job, often attribute their success to their discipline, their good upbringing, their subscribing the right set of determinations. But as studies show, often the people who are the most functional and who achieve the most success are also the most psychopathic in society - which means they have fewer considerations, which is represented as less connectivity within their brains, which means that these who are among the most successful in society are also actually those who have worked the least, and made the least effort in society - but have constantly been rewarded for it by societal systems that are based on sociopathic determinations.

As I've said, a person's dopamine availability is a far greater determiner for a person's success in life than effort - and that effort only increases as a person's dopamine availability becomes limited.

The lower stress environments that some people grow up in often lead them to mis-attribute their success, and others' failures or states of suffering, to all sorts of determinations they've made themselves, or have been taught. But the reality of it all is that it is only because of how much work each others brain are trying to do, and what impact it has on their dopamine availability.

A determination, while made to form a conclusion that can serve as reason for things, is simultaneously a command to not consider the things regarding which the determination was made. And making determinations puts up many walls in a person's mind and brain. And these walls of 'do not consider' prevent the greater development of a brain.

The determinations a dopamine-rich person makes to rationalize why they succeed and others don't (often made in prejudice against those who haven't succeeded) actually lowers the amount of considering within their brain, and considering is the work that requires dopamine. Therefore, this results in there being more dopamine availability within the brain of a person who shuts down considering by making determinations, and who isn't willing to consider beyond their determinations - but at the same time, their determinations results in them not developing the connections and consideration which results from considering. So they consequently, for all their determinations, strong functionality, and memorized facts, are not particularly insightful, smart, or useful to the truth. But they feel extremely self-assured by their observable successes.

What has happened with society is that, in a tower made up of layers, where each higher layer represents people of a greater complexity of consideration development, smarts, ingenuity, and positive potential, the highest 1/3rd or greater layers have been removed from the top, and placed at the bottom of that tower, because of the determinations and dopamine policies of modern society. The smart people don't even know that they're amazingly smart, because their awareness isn't there due to their dopamine impoverishment as a result of them trying to consider as if true everything in environments built to reward sociopaths for being sociopathic.

I've questioned before how a truthfully considering person could possibly succeed scholastically, when the information presented is simply constructs of static determinations, which don't add up. If a person succeeds in school, even though they're smart by contemporary barometers, they're probably not too smart. Scholastic success is simply the result of having dopamine for fact memorization, which having is regularly the result of being a less considering person.

The lower a person's dopamine availability, the greater effort it takes to do everything. Many successful people, even though they think they've worked hard according to their known experience, are putting out less effort in a week, or month, or year, than many people with low dopamine availability are putting out in a day. And yet society hasn't clued in to the reality that everyone is not working at an equal level, all because of what dopamine is.

So clearly, dopamine cannot be reward, because dopamine comes before all reward, and is enabler for the work that might lead to benefit. As I've long been saying, dopamine is mental task processing fuel, and the means by which the brain accomplishes all work - and without dopamine, work is not possible for a brain, leading to all kinds of suffering, ailment, death, and dependencies.

In the case of doctors, we have people who are of very high dopamine availability, combined with very low considering, very little experience, and a predisposition to making judgements about people of dispositions and experiences that they do not even know or believe exist, based on their ignorant and sociopathic observation. And the result is an ignorance and prejudice-driven industry, which is literally completely unnecessarily liquidating the most dopamine impoverished people, turning them into soylent green, where the soylent green is money.

And, consequently, the people who are doing this are responsible for the states they perpetually treat people for, because their doctrine and prejudices are the barriers that has ensured that the truth of mental stress and its ailments doesn't get addressed.

Because cocaine is the healthier-than-natural release of dopamine within a person's brain, and because increasing dopamine via medication normally has the non-beneficial and stress-worsening consequence of increasing adrenaline, and because all the brain's work is accomplished by having dopamine availability, human are effectively cocaine-based beings - meaning that the human brain runs on, and produces all its health and positive accomplishment by the very effect of cocaine. And when a person has a mental stress ailment, such as depression, anxiety, psychosis, PTSD, bi-polar, autism, schizophrenia, and more... that ailment is directly the outcome and expression of that person, or their parents, having not taken care of their brain and body's own natural cocaine needs.

All of these things are preventable, and addressable. But those practising institutional medicine need to let go of their persistent denial and to stop running away from the truth. They need to stop putting their ideology ahead of truth and people's lives, and be willing to face reality and address the root cause of mental stress and its ailments. And by doing so they will finally be able to stop harming the societies that they live in, and to stop being the real obstacles to genuine health and health treatment in this world.

By this knowledge, Mental Stress, and all its emergent ailments, become choices - both for the individual, and for society.


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