Saturday 30 January 2016

Articles: Study Suggests Genetics Could Be The Root Cause Of Schizophrenia (*big yawn*, I already resolved this)


Study Suggests Genetics Could Be The Root Cause Of Schizophrenia
Scientists open the ‘black box’ of schizophrenia with dramatic genetic finding

So this is what counts as a breakthrough, a crucial turning point, and watershed moment to those who call themselves scientists, and medical scientists. An observation with no perception of its meaning, and which is thought will take decades to lead to some kind of a solution for the ailment.

"This is the first exciting clue, maybe even the most important we’ll ever have, but it will be decades"

This is astonishing. It has taken a century to produce an awareness of a mere detail that is now speculated to take decades to turn into something real, when I, in the course of a year and some, have gone from very start to very finish of not just Schizophrenia, but of all Mental Stress ailment. And I did not start from the doctrine of institutional medicine, or with a background in institutional medical knowledge. I started from the beginning, and concluded the truth within months.

Now, going even further back than this post (A Gene is a Concept), I'd said that a gene is an encapsulation of a quality which considered in the brain to a state of certainty. I also said that considering is the mechanism behind evolution, and that what is fully considered applies back into the mind and body. This includes gene formation.

I've also said many times that the work that is considering in the human brain requires dopamine to complete, and that if dopamine is lacking, then the outputs of considering suffer, which is just as is the case in the previous post's first article. And, of course, I've been saying that all mental stress is strictly dopamine deficiency along the neural pathways which are trying to complete work in a process of considering.

Now, it's already known that stress can cause damage to genes, so this already rings true. And in fact, for what I'd written to be the truth, this influence would have to have already been happening, ahead of anyone's observation to corroborate it - not just that stress damages genes, but that mental stress is dopamine deficiency, and is what leads to the gene damage, just as it leads to the neural network damage in poor people.

So where is that connection in all of this? Well, I'd first like to make clear that it wouldn't matter whether that connection was represented in what a scientist, doctor, or medical research showed, because all that work is built upon the perceptions of incompetent sociopaths, and it is normal for them to misrepresent and miss-observe things, because they are wired for falsehood ('Reward'). It is only for the sake of reasoning with people who have accepted their words that I refer to their works.

Nevertheless, here is that connection:

"The findings may help explain the longstanding mystery of why brains from people with schizophrenia tend to have a thinner cerebral cortex with fewer synapses than unaffected individuals do," said a press statement from the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, whose experts took part in the study.

This is the brain's outer layer, often referred to as grey matter, involved in learning and memory."

Well, all this sounds awfully familiar. Hmm... where is a similar influence known to come from?

Oh, so the same region whose development is impoverished in people with schizophrenia is bolstered by cocaine. And what is cocaine's influence? That's right: The healthier-than-natural release of a person's own dopamine within their brain, by proficiently increasing dopamine while significantly inhibiting adrenaline / noradrenaline. So much for that "long-standing mystery".

Now, I've also said this before: That, to neutralize a state of -1, apply an influence of +1.

Cocaine is the anithetical influence of Mental Stress, and cocaine promotes the healthy brain development that schizophrenia impedes. Mental Stress is simply dopamine deficiency, and that dopamine deficiency can lead to damaged genes, which corresponds with the understanding that stress can damage genes.

There is no room for a greater perfection than +1 being applied to a state of -1, to counter and resolve that state. To do so is the fulfillment of perfection, and to recognize the +1 to meet the -1 with is to become aware of the presence of truth, and to fulfill it is to bring the truth. Treating dopamine deficiency ailments with proficient dopamine supplication is bringing the truth of healing to that ailing state.


Also be aware that there are still problems with the other information presented in the article Mice Fed with Cocaine Show Growth in Brain Areas Linked with Learning, Memory, ones which I've already dealt with on this blog (here, and in other posts). And the biggest problem is the silly suggestion that cocaine boosts drug-seeking habits, rather than not simply everything that a person puts their focus towards, because dopamine is the means by which a brain accomplishes all considering work, and the brain's development is through iteration by considering.

It is a snide and objective-driven absurdity to propose that the development gained by the brain's increased capacity for healthy work while under the influence of cocaine's proficient increase in dopamine availability must attribute to something nefarious, when the same enhanced work capacity and development is manifest also from all other notable dopaminergics - including coffee and modafinil. The development is reflective of whatever a person puts their focus towards - be it studying for school, meditating to stabilize and organize one's mind, creative ingenuity, or to focus on problem solving. Dopamine is work potential, and a person who lacks it, needs it.

There is more to be said regarding that part of the 'cocaine boosts learning, memory' article which seeks to label cocaine's health benefits as somehow ominous (because they are coming from cocaine, and not actually on a basis that cocaine does anything negative), but I'll speak more of it in the next post. However, I tell you with surety, that the effort to malign the entirely-positive influence of dopamine's increase when it is coming from an illicit drug (illicit drugs tending to be much healthier than prescription drugs), is an act of murder within society, and that those who engage in it will be judged for it in the end.


So, back to the subject of the articles, regarding schizophrenia and genes... genes are an output of considering, which is dependent upon dopamine to complete in a healthy manner. Lack of dopamine leads to mental stress, which shapes the development of a brain's neural network, and impacts genes. If something’s going wrong with gene health, then there’s likely something happening with the considering processes that develops and maintains those genes.

The schizophrenia ailment, along with many others, is strictly a dopamine deficiency ailment, and its solution is proficiently increasing dopamine, while restraining adrenaline / noradrenaline - which happens to be the very influence of cocaine, which, as it so happens, alleviates mental stress and greatly increases the performance of mental facilities and bolsters the healthy development of a brain.

So, as one of the 'schizophrenia & genes' articles linked-to queries, the root cause of schizophrenia has indeed been uncovered, and for a good time now – but right here on this blog, and along with the root cause of all other mental stress ailments. And all of this before the so-called breakthrough observation by people who have no understanding of its meaning.  It’s not a complicated issue, in fact it’s a very straight-forward one – but trying to address it while at the same time denying its cause makes things pretty complicated.

As I said, a person who succeeded in a curriculum comprehensively made up of nonsense ideological drivel is probably not too smart – simply dopamine-equipped (due to not being particularly considering of the truth, but determining, AKA sociopathic).

What other group of people could spin their wheels for a century, be the cause of all the harms they profess to treat, and still receive positive recognition from society? I think most people would have been out of a job pretty quick after being so incompetent. And now these people foresee spending decades more while they filibuster the truth with their evil ideology, when the genuine solution was always out in the open, and not masked, except by those who call themselves scientists, and doctors.


As I've previously said, I still know everything more. And it's true, because I've resolved the issues of mental stress, sociopathism, and the foundation of existence by knowing Reason, which is the movement of considerations in which all things are accounted for to perfection. The movement of considerations is what brings the truth, and life. And eternal life is every consideration evaluating True into every other consideration.

The eco-system of the body begins with the heart, where belief is from. That belief travels as a signal to the brain, where it receives definition as it filters (considers) through all a person’s considerations as Reason's principle is carried out. And the brain’s neural network iterates itself based on the meaning of that belief in relation to the considerations which aspects of it pass through.

And all experience a person has in their environment is sending infinitesimal 'This is' messages to them, which are received by their belief, and consider through their mind, and their influence on a person depends on how a person is willing to consider them. And what a person sees as physical is made of this. All things are made of considerations.

And as I've been saying, there is no truth to a determination. When a person makes a determination, they're wrong as soon as they've made it. The truth Is, and it cannot be determined, but only come to be known by being considered. I know that's puzzling to some people's understanding, but this will eventually come to be understood by the whole world. A determination is a falsehood, and it reduces consideration. A consideration is a quantum of truth, and of mind, and therefore a determination reduces the presence of truth, and reduces mind. And so making determinations moves a person's perception away from the truth, and aligns their perception to falsehood, and sets it as antithetical to the truth.


Wednesday 27 January 2016

Articles: Poverty may alter the wiring of kids’ brains / Children from wealthy families grow up as extroverts, earn more in life

Article: Poverty may alter the wiring of kids’ brains

This is something that I've written about on this blog before, and I've said that the greatest harm done by poverty is the impact it has on a person's dopamine availability, which all development is conditional to.

The added stress in the lives of poor people creates more tasks for their brains, which drags on their dopamine availability, as dopamine is required to make choices, and worries involve lots of perpetual choice-making while a person tries to keep themselves afloat. This drag on a person's dopamine availability is what leads to depression and many other disorders, such as psychosis and anxiety.

Dopamine is what gives a brain its work potential, and when a brain's dopamine availability becomes impoverished, that gets reflected in its development. And poverty's greatest harm is the impact that it has on a person's dopamine availability, with low dopamine leading to all sorts of negative health developments.

Mental stress is literally a lack of available dopamine within a brain, meaning that a brain is trying to do more work than it has the dopamine to properly handle. Boosting dopamine conversely creates the opposite situation as that of a stressed brain, which is why "smart drugs" like modafinil, and other powerful dopaminergics like cocaine very effectively increase a person's cognition, control and accuracy of thought, and their overall working smarts.

Mice Fed with Cocaine Show Growth in Brain Areas Linked with Learning, Memory
Cocaine enhances memory storage in mice
Cocaine self-administration improves performance in a highly demanding water maze task.
Dopamine impacts your willingness to work
Cocaine study that got up the nose of the US
1995 World Health Organization cocaine report

Now, in the reverse situation, where worries aren't challenging a brain's dopamine budget, the opposite outcome occurs.

Article: Children from wealthy families grow up as extroverts, earn more in life

Dopamine's influence is simply like a dial that increases all a person's mental capacities when it is increased, and conversely diminishes all a person's mental capacities when decreased. A person's physical capacities are dependent upon their mental capacities, so these decrease as well with lower dopamine, and increase with higher dopamine.

Dopamine, effectively, is everything to human health, happiness, success, enjoyable experience, control. Because all these things are the expression of signals being able to be assemble, and considerations working with each other - and dopamine is the mechanism that lets any information assemble within a brain, and enables a person to make a choice. Without dopamine, a person can't know, and can't even know what it is they want to know. The human brain is wholly dependent upon having enough dopamine, and without dopamine, a person's positive brain activity stalls, and the person's life is left stagnant or in state of total dependency on things outside of themselves. But with dopamine, everything works.

Back to the second linked-to article, the less available dopamine a person has, the fewer and smaller the considerations they are able to work with at one time without becoming overwhelmed, panicked, stressed, exhausted, etc. The nature of being extroverted is the product of having the dopamine availability to power the sight of mind to see how things come together, to act and navigate comfortably within one's environment.

Also, memory formation and recollection is automatic when there is ample dopamine to handle the considering of experiences, which is what forms memory, and as experiences consider, they become a part of the structure of the brain.

People who grow up in non stressful households, to go on to have a good education and get a good-paying job, often attribute their success to their discipline, their good upbringing, their subscribing the right set of determinations. But as studies show, often the people who are the most functional and who achieve the most success are also the most psychopathic in society - which means they have fewer considerations, which is represented as less connectivity within their brains, which means that these who are among the most successful in society are also actually those who have worked the least, and made the least effort in society - but have constantly been rewarded for it by societal systems that are based on sociopathic determinations.

As I've said, a person's dopamine availability is a far greater determiner for a person's success in life than effort - and that effort only increases as a person's dopamine availability becomes limited.

The lower stress environments that some people grow up in often lead them to mis-attribute their success, and others' failures or states of suffering, to all sorts of determinations they've made themselves, or have been taught. But the reality of it all is that it is only because of how much work each others brain are trying to do, and what impact it has on their dopamine availability.

A determination, while made to form a conclusion that can serve as reason for things, is simultaneously a command to not consider the things regarding which the determination was made. And making determinations puts up many walls in a person's mind and brain. And these walls of 'do not consider' prevent the greater development of a brain.

The determinations a dopamine-rich person makes to rationalize why they succeed and others don't (often made in prejudice against those who haven't succeeded) actually lowers the amount of considering within their brain, and considering is the work that requires dopamine. Therefore, this results in there being more dopamine availability within the brain of a person who shuts down considering by making determinations, and who isn't willing to consider beyond their determinations - but at the same time, their determinations results in them not developing the connections and consideration which results from considering. So they consequently, for all their determinations, strong functionality, and memorized facts, are not particularly insightful, smart, or useful to the truth. But they feel extremely self-assured by their observable successes.

What has happened with society is that, in a tower made up of layers, where each higher layer represents people of a greater complexity of consideration development, smarts, ingenuity, and positive potential, the highest 1/3rd or greater layers have been removed from the top, and placed at the bottom of that tower, because of the determinations and dopamine policies of modern society. The smart people don't even know that they're amazingly smart, because their awareness isn't there due to their dopamine impoverishment as a result of them trying to consider as if true everything in environments built to reward sociopaths for being sociopathic.

I've questioned before how a truthfully considering person could possibly succeed scholastically, when the information presented is simply constructs of static determinations, which don't add up. If a person succeeds in school, even though they're smart by contemporary barometers, they're probably not too smart. Scholastic success is simply the result of having dopamine for fact memorization, which having is regularly the result of being a less considering person.

The lower a person's dopamine availability, the greater effort it takes to do everything. Many successful people, even though they think they've worked hard according to their known experience, are putting out less effort in a week, or month, or year, than many people with low dopamine availability are putting out in a day. And yet society hasn't clued in to the reality that everyone is not working at an equal level, all because of what dopamine is.

So clearly, dopamine cannot be reward, because dopamine comes before all reward, and is enabler for the work that might lead to benefit. As I've long been saying, dopamine is mental task processing fuel, and the means by which the brain accomplishes all work - and without dopamine, work is not possible for a brain, leading to all kinds of suffering, ailment, death, and dependencies.

In the case of doctors, we have people who are of very high dopamine availability, combined with very low considering, very little experience, and a predisposition to making judgements about people of dispositions and experiences that they do not even know or believe exist, based on their ignorant and sociopathic observation. And the result is an ignorance and prejudice-driven industry, which is literally completely unnecessarily liquidating the most dopamine impoverished people, turning them into soylent green, where the soylent green is money.

And, consequently, the people who are doing this are responsible for the states they perpetually treat people for, because their doctrine and prejudices are the barriers that has ensured that the truth of mental stress and its ailments doesn't get addressed.

Because cocaine is the healthier-than-natural release of dopamine within a person's brain, and because increasing dopamine via medication normally has the non-beneficial and stress-worsening consequence of increasing adrenaline, and because all the brain's work is accomplished by having dopamine availability, human are effectively cocaine-based beings - meaning that the human brain runs on, and produces all its health and positive accomplishment by the very effect of cocaine. And when a person has a mental stress ailment, such as depression, anxiety, psychosis, PTSD, bi-polar, autism, schizophrenia, and more... that ailment is directly the outcome and expression of that person, or their parents, having not taken care of their brain and body's own natural cocaine needs.

All of these things are preventable, and addressable. But those practising institutional medicine need to let go of their persistent denial and to stop running away from the truth. They need to stop putting their ideology ahead of truth and people's lives, and be willing to face reality and address the root cause of mental stress and its ailments. And by doing so they will finally be able to stop harming the societies that they live in, and to stop being the real obstacles to genuine health and health treatment in this world.

By this knowledge, Mental Stress, and all its emergent ailments, become choices - both for the individual, and for society.


Saturday 23 January 2016

Looking at an Instance of Misleading Drug Journalism

There is a distinction here between the research which the article is based on, and the article written about it.

The article has a very impressionistic title, but the crux of it all is this statement: "The levels of cocaine we utilized are comparable with cocaine overdose in humans.”

In this study, mice were put into a state of neurotoxic poisoning using overdose levels of cocaine.

There is similarly a breaking point for everything that’s engages the human body. So, cocaine doesn’t actually do this any more than drinking water causes brain-death, but overpowering the human biological systems via any means, from drinking water to injecting heroin to experiencing a high-velocity impact, is going to involve a body’s systems expressing that overpowered state by breaking in some way:

-       If a person drinks too much water, their brain will swell and they will die, and detrimental behaviour will be observable in cells as it happens. (should people keep away from water?)
-        If a person eats incessantly, their stomach will burst, and detrimental behaviour will be observable in cells as it happens. (should people keep away from food?)
-          If a person falls off the top a high-rise building onto concrete below, there will be negative consequences for their body (should a person stay away from anything higher than 6 feet of verticality?)
-          Oxygen toxicity causes cellular death (is it right to make people afraid of breathing?)
-          Excessive vitamin D causes nausea, vomiting, and kidney problems (is eating fish bad?)
-          Crashing a car into a tree can be fatal (is driving inviting of death?)

An appropriate title for the article might be “deliberately inducing a state of (probably prolonged) neurotoxic poisoning results in… neurotoxic behaviour” – which wouldn’t be sensationalistic, and wouldn’t be click-bait, and would sound stupid. But it also wouldn’t be deceiving people, and wouldn’t be re-enforcing harmful ignorance and prejudices.

The linked-to article’s headline is about the same distance from practical reality as an article exclaiming that eating the breakfast cereal Cheerios causes stomachs to explode. The conveyed message isn’t truthful, and we don’t see articles stating “heights result in skin-splitting” or “eating fish leads to nausea, vomiting, and kidney disease”, or “driving a vehicle causes death” because:

1.       There is no practical purpose in saying these things
2.       There is no truth apart from context. These wouldn’t be truthful things to say based on the context of how they’re going to be perceived

So declaring things like this to the public isn’t done because it would be inane and baseless to do so. And it is no less the case in the instance of this article’s title, and in cases of similar messaging regarding non-licensed drugs and their usages. And the biggest examples of drug messaging being declared in this manner in the past have been propaganda, and research which later turned out to be false, such as that which was behind the now-debunked idea of crack-babies (with other research even demonstrating that pre-natal cocaine use actually improves foetus development).

The article also states "Scientists at Johns Hopkins in the USA found that high doses of cocaine cause..." but this again isn't truthful messaging, because there is a very big range within "high doses" and even extreme doses that doesn't include overdose and neurotoxic poisoning.

And again, the article says "Cocaine causes this process to accelerate..", which isn't the case, because the mice were being put into a state of induced neurotoxic poisoning in order to produce this cell behaviour, and that state of neurotoxic poisoning is what the cells are responding to. That state can be induced in any number of ways, and this is not what happens to people when they're taking cocaine any more than being wrapped around a telephone pole is what happens to a person when they drive a car. A person will hit a wall of neurotoxic poisoning from common prescription drugs a lot sooner and easier than they will from cocaine.

In truth, presenting information in the manner which the linked-to article does actually leads to death, by user ignorance, misinformation, non-preparedness, and unnecessary stresses, worries, anxieties, panic, etc, all of which can create, and worsen problem situations.

A person who ingests even larger amounts of cocaine is more likely to incur cellular death and harm as a result of believing the headline of the linked-to article, or from prescription drugs for that matter, than from using cocaine. But if it happens to be any living person’s habit to spend time lying around in overdosed states, maybe they should tone things down.

So the article’s messaging is conniving, and its surface message is false. But for some reason there are some who think it is OK to deceive people on ideological grounds regarding non-licensed drugs - despite ones like cocaine being healthier than anything a doctor is authorized to prescribe, and potentially be exceptional for a person’s mental and physical health. What could be root causes behind a person's willingness to disseminate non-truthful messages like this?

Truth is the inter-connectivity of all considerations substantiating what is, and meaning is an expression of that structure made of truthfully-connected considerations. A sociopath, someone whose outlook is based upon determinations, lacks the inter-connectivity of considerations substantiating the truth, and instead holds on to a bunch of disparate determinations which they might consider as facts. The lack of having the substantiation of truth leaves a person without knowing meaning, and so they are without a sense of ‘Why?’.

A person cannot act apart from reason, so a person without the knowing of truth might determine for themselves an ideology to give them a sense of purpose and reason to act - and then they might carry out and defend their ideology fiercely because all of their sense of worth, identity, and purpose is invested in that ideology. Even 'Reward', such as that from a journalist's click-bait article title, is an ideology.

Another element possibly involved with ideological presentations is that ideology is determination-based, and whenever a determination is made, work that is considering in a brain ends, and that frees up dopamine, which sociopathic people think of as their reward for doing something, when all they did was stop some considering processes.

So they might also make these kinds of expressions to trigger their sense of ‘Reward’, which is essentially them believing that, having adhered to a peer-approved set of determinations, that they are then a good dog. That belief concludes considering processes within their brain related to the matter they were focusing on, and also relaxes their mind in general - all of which which frees up dopamine, which gives them a small bit of a cocaine high. And they interpret that freed-up dopamine as if it were a confirmation of them having done good, although it is just the returning of some dopamine after their brain relaxed and its workload reduced.

Essentially, a person who believes in dopamine as reward thinks that deactivating their brain after doing nothing truthful is a state of reward, while not understanding that all they actually accomplished is the bringing of some negative consideration-value into the world, which will exist as an offence to the truth until somebody else does the work to righten the perceptions which were influenced by it.

At least the linked-to article’s reporting included the line "The levels of cocaine we utilized are comparable with cocaine overdose in humans”, although not in as framing a manner as it should have been in regards to its subject. There is no shortage of instances in medical news where such pieces of information, which have the potential to completely reshape a message, have been withheld from publication, both on the journalist side of things, and on the research side of things.


Monday 18 January 2016

Unlocking a Powerful Secret to Cure Mental Stress and its Ailments


Article: Sex toy company erects ‘self-soothe’ masturbation booth for NYC men

The basis of this article is a promotional marketing stunt for a sex-toy company, but its humourous message is a common one: that orgasms can be potent stress-relievers. And many people experience stress relief from orgasming.

An orgasm is produced by a small surge of dopamine being released in a brain, and as the state of having ample dopamine is the opposite state of being stressed, an orgasm is stress-relieving exactly because an orgasm is produced by releasing a sudden surge of dopamine within a part of the brain.

You can read many sources claiming that an orgasm relieves stress because of Oxytocin, but this is a falsehood, and this pop-myth is an example of medical science trying to bend over backwards to preserve ideology regarding dopamine, and everything that has been built around that ideology:

People who are medical scientists want to praise orgasms because they like them and want them to be a part of their society, culture, and life, and so they are open to discovering all the medical benefits which can be had by them. But they don't want to acknowledge the source of them, because doing so would mean that those things which also produce that same experience would receive validation, and those things have been pre-emptively determined in their minds as being bad, and things to be avoided and opposed. And, therefore, they need to cite something else as the source of that very good and positive and healthy thing that they like and want more of for themselves.

This is the deranged, hypocritical reasoning that is entirely characteristic of 'Reward'-type mindsets, who, by their own determinations have heads filled with bad wiring, becoming comprehensively sociopathic.

The fullness of the experience of an orgasm is produced by dopamine having a momentary greater release within areas of the brain.

As I've said before, there are connections in the brain that correspond to all areas of the body. And there is nothing particular about the synaptic connections relating to genitals, when it comes to what a sudden surge of dopamine experiences as:

When a person ingests larger amounts of cocaine, methamphetamine, and maybe some other dopaminergic drugs, the same experience as that of an orgasm occurs as dopamine is released throughout the brain, feeling as though it is emanating from every single cell within that person's body, and prolonged for the duration of the drug. And in fact, when people inject methamphetamine or cocaine, the rush of that experience can be so powerful that they sexually orgasm without even touching themselves or thinking sexually in any way. The feeling of dopamine saturating a brain is not like  the feeling of an orgasm, it is the feeling of orgasming, coming from everywhere within the body. And it's all there just by dopamine.


Now, if groups of synapses are experiencing this state, then they can’t simultaneously be experiencing the states of tension, depression, anxiety, fear, psychosis, or anything else of that sort of disposition. It is a case of ‘if one then not the other’. A synapse that is experiencing this is no longer experiencing stress, just as a person who is on a boat in the Pacific Ocean is not floating in a spacecraft above Earth’s moon. They are two distinct statuses for a synapse, and in fact, they are diametric of one another. One is a contextually negative value, and the other is positive.

A distressed synapse that is saturated with dopamine becomes liberated from its distress. And it doesn’t return to its distress unless there are more primary considerations feeding it the messaging that led to its distressed state which were not liberated, themselves. But those synapses can be liberated from their distress by the same means which all other synapses can.

If dopamine can be raised high enough relative to adrenaline, any stress states will be removed. And they won’t return, unless dopamine didn’t penetrate those specific synapses which were feeding their states, to unhook them. A synapse that is unhooked naturally retains buoyancy above the line of neutrality.

Tension, depression, anxiety, psychosis… dopamine will lift the mind out of all off those states. It doesn’t matter who a person is, and it doesn’t matter how severe the state is. Keep raising the released dopamine in a brain, and all those states, depression, psychosis, anxiety, will disappear as the direction of signaling that is producing them is altogether lifted up in a uniform manner.

Dopamine will be received by the easiest to reach spots first, but as synapses delivering milder stress become cleared, the next in line will start receiving the benefit of the increased dopamine, right until there is nothing left to clear.


As I've said, depression, anxiety, psychosis, can be simply flushed away. And this is True, in the very same way that an orgasm is stress-relieving because of oxytocin rather than dopamine is False. And all the ailments which emerge from Mental Stress states can be proficiently prevented, treated, and cured by this knowledge.


Friday 15 January 2016

Important Information on Application of Dopaminergism to Treat and Curing Mental Stress Ailments

i. understanding brain activity as both passive and active
ii. a listing of many applicable dosing considerations
iii. comparing dopaminergic usefulness using methamphetamine and cocaine as examples


I've said many times that, for the sake of overcoming and curing an ailing state, what a person does while experiencing a big increase in dopamine is as important as that they do so. This is because a brain's routing of signals is both passive and active, and so whatever medication a person takes, its influence is contextual to the environment of activity which it is being applied to.

Dopamine is what gives a person all of their thought power and control, and adrenaline is what agitates stress states, so when a dopaminergic is taken, including both very non-optimized and minimally beneficial ones like most of the ones which doctors prescribe to people, and also extremely optimized and highly beneficial ones like cocaine, there is thrust being put behind various processes within the brain.

The signals within a brain are polar and subject to magnetism. So when a mind looks in a direction, there are things like Energy-Field Walls fading in to place within the brain, choosing where a signal can and can't go, and the stronger the emphasis of thought, the stronger those walls will become.

A person in a state of stress is often trying to get around these walls they've formed by their considering. But a person cannot overcome them by determination, as anything that follows their creation is an extension of the considering processes which formed them, and a lesser consideration to them. Any strengthening of effort to defeat those walls will first strengthen them beyond what the output effort to defeat them is going to be. To remove those walls, a person must relax, let go of that considering, and as that considering becomes less the 'This is', the more those walls will fade. To control a person's mind to relax, they will need enough dopamine to take control of the thought processes involved.

The point to which the mind is looking is going to form the 'This' directive within the brain, and will be where available dopamine flows to. At the same time, the things which a person is trying to not look at within their brain, things which are worrying them, or that they're trying to avoid focusing on, are going to become increasingly agitated by the increased availability of adrenaline / noradrenaline.

A person in a highly stressed state, whose mind is in a panic and takes an inefficient dopaminergic (one which produces an unfavourable Dopamine:Adrenaline ratio), is going to experience an uncomfortable polarization within their brain between the points of controlled focus, which are promising something great, and the areas of avoidance, which are building in worry. Often, the build-up of adrenaline/noradrenaline's influence isn't going to exacerbate the worried considerations so much that they interfere with the bulk of the increased dopamine experience. But at the same time, if areas of the brain are being agitated by adrenaline into greater stress, that's not being productive towards the goal of curing the whole brain.

Psychosis is simply extreme stress, and when a person taking methamphetamine, adderall, or whatever, including many non dopaminergic drugs, experiences a drug-induced psychosis, it's due to considerations being walled-off from control, and collecting all the growing stress influence within the brain like a capacitor. The state of meth users tweaking after having used the drug for a long period of time is caused by this. They've formed concentrated node of highly distressed consideration within them, while they've been constantly compartmentalizing their focus on the positively-powered considerations.

This same dichotomy between positive and stressful influences, caused by adrenaline increasing unfavourably next to dopamine, is what causes instances of agitation, zoning out, and paranoia with some cases of dopaminergic use.

The goal in treating mental stress cases is obviously to resolve stress states and not cause them, and states of agitation can be avoided, controlled, and reversed by understanding dopamine, adrenaline, and that how they distribute throughout the brain is both passively and actively.


Some of the mental stress-treatment considerations that will work in agreement with the way dopamine and adrenaline apply within the brain are:

- Take whatever dopaminergic has the most favourable Dopamine:Adrenaline ratio. Always use the dopaminergic that pushes Dopamine the most while keeping Adrenaline / Noradrenaline restrained the most

- Dopamine releases a few seconds ahead of Adrenaline, and its positive influence will rush unimpeded for as long as adrenaline's rise doesn't show up to form a counter-weight effect. Because of this, the first few seconds of a dopaminergic dose are not only the most productive part of a dopamine increase, it also creates a very valuable buffer against adrenaline's chance to introduce a stressful influence

- Don't micro-dose. If doses are increased in small increments, adrenaline will keep forming a counter-influence before dopamine's increase gets going really fast, creating less of a buffer between dopamine's influence and adrenaline's, and losing the most valuable and most curative part of the dopaminergic effect

- Ingest by the most immediate-acting method that makes sense for a situation. A slow-acting dopaminergic increase will not produce the same window for dopamine to establish itself ahead of adrenaline's onset

So, push the Dopamine:Adrenaline ratio as high as possible in favour of dopamine, and as fast as possible. Dose once and make it as big as can safely be done, and then let everything return to normal before dosing a second time. And again, the second time, dose big and only once. Basically, the truth of treating and curing a state of Mental Stress calls for completely dismissing institutional and practitioner dosaging sensibilities on account of them being irrelevant, detrimental, and antithetical to the truth of positive health and its good treatment.

Some of the Mental Stress-treatment considerations that will work in agreement with the way a person's mental focus influences things are:

- Meditate beforehand to bring the mind to as much of a standstill as possible

- Fighting thought directions will strengthen those Energy-Field Walls, while relaxing and letting go in an environment of dopamine availability will result in the considering that is creating those walls to resolve, and the walls to dissipate

- Don't busy oneself while applying a dopaminergic increase. Doing so will focus the dopamine gain on active processes, rather than passively resolving troubled states within the brain, and will also serve to feed stressed states by starving them of a more even dopamine distribution within the brain

- Micro-dosing also generates many new taxing processes within the brain involved in tending to micro-dosing. And the whole point of positively addressing Mental Stress states is to resolve processes in a brain that has become over-taxed with them, relative to the present dopamine availability. So, again, don't micro-dose, and don't busy oneself. A person who practices being in a meditative state will be able to feel and see all the considerations as they move into states of resolution

- Nobody knows better than you regarding what is helpful for your mind and brain, and your experience is considerations evaluating as True, and they inform you of the truth. So don't let a doctor peddle their ignorance and ideological crap in your face

Even a state of high mental anxiety created by dopaminergic usage can be solved by taking enough more of a dopaminergic drug to completely tilt the Dopamine:Adreanline ratio in favour of dopamine enough to handle all of the uncontrolled stressed processes within the brain, and when a tweaking meth user is desperate for more meth, that's the state they're trying to get to. But smoking meth causes a very slow and gradual increase of dopamine, and so it's possible that a person tweaking might only make their agitation worse by taking more.

This isn't an entirely comprehensive list of factors in applying dopaminergism for the sake of treating and curing a state of mental stress, but it provides some important understanding. And with a complete understanding, a person can treat themselves and sail completely safely onward to improved well-being.


------------------------------------------------ side note ------------------------------------------------

Methamphetamine actually has a superior Dopamine:Adrenaline ratio to typical prescription dopaminergics, so that should inform a person of just how ineffective, useless, and designed to lock in a person's ailments to milk them for profit licensed medication actually is. Also, methamphetamine can be used to great success for mild stress states, if used knowingly, and it also used to be used (more successfully) for many of the things which now less-effective medications are being used.

If methamphatmine can be represented as:

Dopamine ++++
Adrenaline +++

Then cocaine might be representable as:

Dopamine ++++
Adrenaline --


Dopamine ++++++
Adrenaline +

Cocaine actually inhibits adrenaline's release, so that there's a diminished amount of adrenaline being released per measurement of dopamine, but as when taking cocaine the concept is that dopamine is getting boosted significantly, there's going to be an overall smaller increase of adrenaline's presence.

Cocaine pushes dopamine so far beyond adrenaline that it is very rare for a person to experience a growing agitation (although street-sold cocaine is notoriously impure). And when used knowingly, the risk of agitation while ingesting cocaine can be completely removed for even the most dire stress cases.


Wednesday 13 January 2016

The Power of a Synapse / Consideration, and Dopamine's Role in Effort


To perceive a single synapse’s state and influence within a brain, it can be thought of there being a line of neutrality (0) with positive and negative scales extended above and below it, and a point on that scale which can move incrementally both up and down, to hold positive values, and negative values. The further below that line the value for that synapse is, the greater an opposing influence that synapse’s particular consideration provides towards the body of considerations it contextually evaluates as True within. The higher above that line the value is, the greater positive contribution that synapse’s particular consideration is towards whatever it contextually evaluates as True within.

The same consideration in a different placement and timing can yield drastically different outcomes, and experience – as experience is one consideration passing information to another. Every harmonized body of considerations needs the same quantity of dopamine to evaluate as True, and so multiple different bodies of harmonized considerations require multiple quantities of dopamine more than a single body of harmonized consideration. A stress burdened brain progressively fractures into smaller groups of considerations, and as it does, its workload becomes increasingly greater, and the dopamine needed to handle its workload and to bring its considerations back into harmonization increases.

Also, the polarity of a whole multitude of considerations that are harmonized into one body can be flipped by another single consideration bringing an evaluation of True or False to what that body of considerations is to a person's belief, focus, intention, etc, and changing that one consideration again can again shift what that whole multitude of considerations contextually means.

A person can’t move a dislodged consideration back into place without the leverage that is dopamine any more than a piece of hydraulics equipment can lift a heavy load without having enough pressure in its system. Depending on how much dopamine is available within their brain, disorganized considerations can move back in to positive place with great effort, but with greater dopamine, the same work can be accomplished within the same brain effortlessly.

When a person focuses, or makes effort, their effort succeeds on the basis that in their brain they were prioritizing dopamine allocation to the processes which their efforts pointed to. When dopamine is increased, a person doesn’t need to focus and make effort as much to handle the thing which is their priority, and with greater dopamine, a person can multi-task more within their brain, and with very high levels of dopamine released within their brain, a person can even effortlessly work simultaneously on multiple tasks that would normally seem very unrelated and needing of multiple brains to work on.


It can be that there is not enough available dopamine within a person to even have a task succeed after all prioritization through effort, and that all continued effort is going to worsen things, because the processes that are being emphasized themselves don’t have dopamine to succeed, and so they are pushing False states of considerations to evaluate as True in the context of their objective, making failure consider into the outcome.

An example is when a person in frustration keeps trying to repeat a same action over and over, and becomes worse at it each time they try, that bit of worsening with each successive try is due to diminishing dopamine that is available for the task.

For the action to evaluate as True as a whole, all its components, made of bodies of considerations, also need to evaluate as True. The failure in execution is some needed considerations not evaluating as True in context of the whole concept, and the reason they’re progressively falling into failure is that the person’s dopamine is becoming increasingly limited as they try to do the same thing again, with new added work as they try to correct something from the previous attempt.

The solution that will lift them out of a state of failure is the increasing of dopamine – whether they pursue that increase through ingestion of a drug, or by leaving the task alone until a later time (freeing up the dopamine that had been allocated to those tasks), the root mechanism behind their later capability is the same – an increase in their available dopamine.

This is also an example of how a determination is a falsehood. Some people think that if they are determined enough, they will succeed. But it is only the successful considering of success, by allowance of there being dopamine for it, that a person succeeds. A person can take their determination as reason for their considering of the success, but the determination itself was only dead weight, which they may have had obstructing consideration within them for a long time. And because of how their belief was wired, moving it produced reason for their brain to prioritize dopamine towards considering the success they sought. This last part is something that can be explained in better detail at another time.

If a person recognizes this condition of diminishing dopamine availability, they can know that any further attempt is only locking their failure in further, and help themselves by not continuing their repeated efforts. And by learning to recognize what is going on with their dopamine availability, a person can know with certainty what the outcome of their efforts is going to be before even doing anything. Understanding dopamine grants a person new perceptions that they would have been unfamiliar with before, perceptions which make their previous ways obsolete, and of extremely poor efficiency.

With enough dopamine, a person’s actions can be as precise as any computer, in carrying out whatever considerations they have. Because like the values within a computer, the considerations within a brain hold values and meanings that are perfect in precision. Having a huge surge of dopamine doesn’t mean that a person is instantly perfect, but that they have the means to develop however they are willing to consider. But without dopamine, a person cannot make one controlled change within their mind and brain.


Effort is only required in the absence of dopamine, and the less dopamine that is available, the greater effort will be required.

Knowing that there is such a state as every chosen thing being effortless and non-discomforting, a person can accurately gauge their dopamine states by the amounts of effort they experience in the things they do, and a person can gauge their own dopamine shortfall by experiencing the absence of hydraulic pressure to accomplish the things they wish they were accomplishing. And all depression, no matter how severe, is only the absence of dopamine’s lift power.

The information which a brain tries to lift itself has consideration value, and weight that contrasts with the lift power of a brain, and when there is weak lift power within a brain, the information being lifted can begin to fall against that brain’s lift power. The only safety net at the bottom are the considerations that are synced together and delivering positive messaging. That body of considerations holds a belief, and if that base belief in a person becomes troubled, then it no longer is acting as the same positive platform within that person’s brain that it was earlier.

That body of considerations is delivering a ‘This is’ statement to all things that consider through that brain, and experience is one consideration passing information to another. And so if the ‘This is’ changes, then so does the experience of the person. All interactions that a person has with the world are forming tiny ‘This is’ statements throughout their brain, whose meanings and values are relative to the belief already held within their brain.

The effort that can’t overcome even the smallest of things in a dopamine starved individual can move mountains in a dopamine plentiful person. In fact, many, even most of the people who are successful in life never know the experience of strain that those at the bottom struggle with every day, and the only difference between their states, which is responsible for where a person’s ends up, is how much dopamine they have available within their brain. Likewise, those at the bottom do not know the natural states of comfort that exist in those who succeed, which is produced by their dopamine availability, and which enables success. The difference in outcomes that is possible to be created between dopamine dispositions is far greater than that created by upbringing, access, funds - and those things’ greatest leverage against a person is the influence it has on their dopamine disposition.

People from diametric dispositions (such as a doctor vs a person with psychosis, depression, or severe anxiety) use the same words to describe striving, effort, energy, capability, but the experiences to which they point within their minds are completely obtuse, and neither can know that the others’ understanding of it exists apart from entering in to it themselves. But, unfortunately, those at the bottom are being treated and dealt with according to a standard that they haven’t before known even exists, and all their considerations align only to experiences they know of, which means that there is a chasm of difference between understandings while people of either disposition communicate using the same words. But at its surface appearance, it will appear as if both are engaging in a shared language, and both can only assume that this is the case.

This means that the experiences, understanding, doctrines, theories, and especially the prejudices and ideologies of the typical doctor are of no relevance to helping people who are suffering, because the things they hold to as facts and acceptable practice are developed by people of an non-relatable state of existence, and administered by people of an non-relatable state of existence, and are antithetical to truth – and treating a state of health is a matter for truth.


Wednesday 6 January 2016

The Producing of Mind is by Considering & Every Body of Considerations is a Mind

The difference between any two states is a defined set of considerations, and every state can be changed into every other state. Belief invokes Reason's principle, which is the cause of considering, and a person will consider the things which they have belief in. A brain wires and rewires itself according to how a person considers, and a person can consider every, and even all qualities into themselves. Every thing is a concept, and every concept is an ordering of considerations which have resolved and reasoned into a oneness, a ring of truth, which, when it is engaged, references all its contained considerations at once, and with one mind.

The effort and work required to engage one individual consideration, or one reasoned group of of any number of considerations is the same. Working with five individual considerations is more work than engaging a reasoned concept that contains all five of those considerations, as well as thousands more.

Considering is a linear streaming of considerations, where the end of one means the beginning of the next. Considering that successfully resolves results in reason forming, and all the considerations which were considered are then contained within the concept that forms, which is a ring of truth, in which the contained considerations are eternally evaluating True, one into the next. That ring of truth is the state of eternity. To have reasoned into one's mind all the considerations that mean life is the producing of eternal life.

Thinking, which is like moving between concepts by manually making decisions, is not considering.
Considering is like setting up a magnetic field, a 'This' command, which all considerations that substantiates a thing's realization then, by the magnetism of  shared meaning, stream through, in an inter-connected fashion. The 'This' itself is a ring of considerations, made of those considerations forming the concepts of belief, and action, and it serves as a magnetic gate.

Making determinations is not a part of considering, and a determination falsifies an environment of considering, and abruptly ends the considering, with a falsified outcome. As considering develops, its form is like rings of truth which layer one on top of another. Every body of considerations is a mind, and whenever a determination is made, the mind which accepts it descends a layer of considerations, receives a bit of sociopathism into itself, and reduces the truth of a matter, while the mind itself reduces in truth perceptibility.

Observation is not the truth, and is an output of what the considerations which are responsible for what is observable, offer in meaning. To make progressive determinations based upon observation is to enter into an infinite and self-reducing loop.

Science is the practice of making determinations based upon observation. There is a difference between all considerations as one, and all considerations except one of them being together, with the one being separated from all. Making determinations progressively separates the consideration of a person's self from the truth of all things.

There are many people who do not know considering, and in their present state cannot find its location and ability. All a person's held determinations act like walls within their mind, which prevent considerations from communicating between each other, making their considering of each other impossible.

The light of mind, by which a person sees everything, is made by one consideration shining through and being amplified by the next. A mind without this light is in darkness.

If there were people in this world who actually knew what considering was, and how to use it, this world would be nothing like it is now. This is a determination-based world, and so it is a sociopathism-based world. And so the things which its people do and hold on to are anti-polar to the truth, and their doctrines are evil and hypocritical falsehoods. And, out of their lack of truthful understanding, the people who practice them are responsible for all the things they feign to stand in opposition to.


Saturday 2 January 2016

Calling For A New Paradigm

Everyone should have safe access to affordable drugs - drugs of all kinds. This is a matter for a person to decide for themselves, and people can't rely on doctors to discern who should receive which drugs, because doctors really don't know anything about them.

The information by which doctors are educated during their medical training is heavily contrived and biased, and amounts to nothing more than state propaganda. The research that contrived it was conducted under federal licensing and conditions, and the conclusions are pre-determined by the state. Every license application makes clear the aim of the research, and studies which don't seek a conclusion the state wants to hear are not granted license in the first place, and any results which the state does not favour are obstructed from being published.

And many scientists are taken to pre-emptively tow the partisan line, thinking to themselves they are fighting a "the good fight", all the while being the greatest of fools in the eyes of the truth. While others, because of their disposition towards reward, will self-censor themselves for the sake of peer approval, continued opportunity, protection of reputation, etc. And a disposition towards reward is itself a hard-wired falsification of a person's circuit of considering, which prevents them from being capable of perceiving truth.

The truth is that a neighbourhood drug dealer knows more than any doctor. When a person talks to a doctor about drugs, be it opiates, stimulants, psychedelics, or other, they're only going to get an earful of bullshit. And doctors are so short on experience with these things that they actually believe the nonsense they spew. They take it as gospel and dogma, and feel assured by the appearance of peer consensus around them (which itself is founded in the same ignorant lack of any experience).

The truth is that, at baseline, most illegal drugs are very good for a person to take, and that things such as depression, psychosis, and more can be simply flushed away with high doses of cocaine, and (though with significantly less effectiveness and assuredness) possibly some other dopaminergics, whereas standard medical practice is to treat them with a forced daily "addiction" for 2 - 3 years with medications that regularly do more harm than good. At at the end of those treatments, a person will be down 2 - 3 years of their life, and left still not knowing the experience of full healing.

And that's only the tip of the iceberg. Medical science, when it comes to illicit drugs, is comprehensively a work of contrived fiction dressed up in lab coats and peer reviews. It is a packaging of lies, and it is the capitalistic mass liquidation of innocent human lives.

And regarding pain management, a person may find that increasing the released dopamine within their brain is far superior in assuaging pain than opiate usage. Pain itself needs to be processed by the brain, and dopamine is the means by which a brain processes information. Pushing a high dopamine level relative to a low adrenaline level seems to do wonders for pain (all the way up to full resolution of pain), while letting adrenaline rise alongside dopamine leads to anxiety, stress etc.

The existence of mental stress ailments in today's society is the legacy of institutional medicine, and of those who call themselves scientists, and doctors. And it is what they will be remembered for - for doing everything wrong, for accomplishing nothing for a century, and for causing all the conditions they misled people regarding, but being constantly rewarded for it by the systems they created themselves.

Hasn't it somewhat recently been popular to claim that the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result? Then institutional medical doctrine is one of the greatest instances of insanity in this world, and a person who practices it is a follower and subject of insanity.
