Friday 26 May 2017

Subject Re-Summarization and Article Dump + Beware of Abstraction-based Doctrine

Cocaine study that got up the nose of the US
Nixon official: real reason for the drug war was to criminalize black people and hippies
It's not just stem cell research that's overhyped— medical science spin is a widespread problem
Everything You've Heard About Crack And Meth Is Wrong
Hyperbole Hurts: The Surprising Truth About Methamphetamine
Why the Myth of the Meth-Damaged Brain May Hinder Recovery
Methamphetamine: Fact vs. Fiction And Lessons From The Crack Hysteria
7 Facts About Drugs and Addiction That Will Make You Question Everything You Know
The Rational Choices of Crack Addicts
Mice Fed with Cocaine Show Growth in Brain Areas Linked with Learning, Memory
Cocaine enhances memory storage in mice
Cocaine self-administration improves performance in a highly demanding water maze task

The relative dangers of drugs: What the science says

If all other things are equal, a person who drinks alcohol is doing more damage to their health and at greater risk of developing habitual usage than users of any other drug. That should put warnings about other drugs into perspective, along with the trust-worthiness of the researchers and institutions issuing warnings about drugs, rather than safe-usage information. And when institutions and researchers refuse to supply harm-reduction and safe-usage information out of ideological belief, they are making the statement that they would rather see people dead then using drugs safely. Such people have the will for murder of whoever doesn't agree with them in their hearts.

A person whose motivation is self-reward rather than the truth has made a determination to falsify an environment of considerations to make reason for their action, and is acting sociopathically. Also, the belief in reward as motivation conditions a brain to be psychopathic. The human brain does not run on reward, and the reward philosophy in contemporary behavioural studies is a false doctrine. The human brain uses dopamine to connect information across synapses, and to process information to resolution. Cocaine's enjoyable effect in the increase of dopamine in a person's brain.

Those who speak of "reward" in substance-related studies are identifying themselves as junkies, since they have called dopamine reward, and call reward as their motivation. But dopamine is not what comes at the end, but is what has to be there are the start, so that effort and potential can exist. And when work is resolved, dopamine is returned to availability. But without dopamine being there in the first place, there is no potential for work.

How come people who drink 5 glasses of water a day, or who eat 3 meals a day aren't called addicted, and their addictions to drinking water and eating food studied, while those addicts are themselves persecuted for their addictions?

If dopamine were addictive, then every human alive would already be addicted, since they are born with their brain experiencing and running on the same effect as cocaine - and then addiction would be an inconsequential or even a very good thing, because it would precisely be due to having that addiction that humans exist and live.

If a person is constantly seeking to increase their dopamine, then it is likely that they are lacking dopamine to begin with - as is the case with mental stress-based ailments such as depression, anxiety, psychosis, ADHD, schizophrenia. Even simple fatigue is an expression of a state of dopamine availability within a person's brain.

"Addiction" is an ignorant term, on par with racist epithets that were also once taken to represent sentiments presumed by many to represent truths. The term addiction does nothing to accurately convey what a situation is, and makes to effort to explain itself. It is a cop-out, and an excuse to write a conclusion for research when the researcher has no understanding of what their research actually shows.

Also, the human brain is a drug bath. So, if drugs killed, an impression that a lot of research aims to push, then everybody would be dead. Unfortunately, a lot of researchers experience "reward" from propping up dogmatic ideology-based drug attitudes, which has turned medical substance research into an industry of propaganda, ignorance, and the confirmation bias of people who want attention and money for completing research, but can't figure how to turn their observations into conclusions. Studies that base their understanding in abstractions, such as "addiction", and "reward", are not focused on reality.

Things haven't changed all that much since Reefer Madness.

The modern recycling of the same and additional lies have simply been inlaid into more technical presentations, and naively parroted and argued by people who want attention and money for completing research, but can't figure how to turn their observations into conclusions - and also whose truth has always been conformity to the appearance of authority, and who have difficulty allowing themselves to consider the possibility that if they didn't just accept on faith that the drug ideology tropes they evaluated their own moral righteousness by simply were, that they suddenly find that they don't know what to do or write. Even what is already dead can experience fear of death as it turns to cross over into life.
