Wednesday 27 April 2016

Where Does A "Drug-Induced" Psychosis Really Come From?


A consideration is polar and directional, and everything is contributing towards a movement. The static state of observation which those who call themselves scientists and doctors believe in doesn't exist in the truth, and it is only their lack of connectivity to the truth, and their fear of the truth, that they rest all their sense of safety upon that false concept. Observation is guilt by choice of inaction towards doing what is good, and serving of the truth.


While it's considered that using some psycho-active drug may cause psychosis, anxiety and psychosis cannot occur if a person is of sound mind regarding their actions and experience. A person's uncertainty is a concept, made of considerations, which evaluate True as a "This is" command within their mind, so long as they participate in whatever they are uncertain about. The "This is" produces considering, and other considerations progressively consider through that concept, and receive its influence imparted upon their own values. This can cause a mind to progressively divide itself, and produce anxiousness, and also lead to psychosis.

Therefore, drugs do not cause psychosis, but how a person considers their actions can divide their mind. So, who is responsible for predisposing, through decades-long concerted manipulation, the public's considering towards worry, anxiousness, fear, and guilt, regarding the consumption of criminalized and non-prescribed drugs?


When it comes to "drug-induced" psychoses, the situation is as if a government were to put an electronic bracelet around a people's legs that is capable of exerting great pressure, and will automatically crush and break the leg of a person if ever their two feet come off the ground at once.

And so, when the person jumps, for whatever reason, the bracelet which their government placed around their leg crushes their leg, and then their government says "see, we told you jumping was bad, because it causes your leg to break - this is why we need to have strict rules against jumping". But, of course, there never was anything about jumping that cause the leg to break, and it was completely the government's intervention of putting that bracelet around people's legs that was designed to crush their legs, which caused the person's leg to break, which the government then used to justify having a no-jumping policy, and having leg-crushing bracelets to enforce that policy.

The reality is that the bracelet is an artificial imposition, designed to create an impression for its own necessitation, and removing it will free a person and resolve the real source of threat.

So it is with anti-drug propaganda, which has been brain-washing to force the outcome which is used to push drug enforcement: Drug-induced psychoses are not actually drug-induced, but are actually anti-drug propaganda-spouting doctor, scientist, police and government-induced. And then those people use the product of their own false determinations as justification for continuing their falsehoods.


It is not within a drug's power to choose which way a mind is going to consider something. But the propaganda disseminated in anti-drug efforts has forcefully sought to lead consideration surrounding drugs in a negative direction - and it is that negatively-considering direction, accelerated by increases in adrenaline, which causes harms such as anxiety and psychosis.

But no matter how much effort is made to convince people to be of less-than-sound mind towards drug use, at the end of the day, the human brain still runs on drugs, particularly the effect of cocaine. And so, the effect of cocaine, applied knowingly, continues non-waveringly to be panacea for all mental stress states. And sociopaths who have been comprehensively in denial of reality for many decades will not make that change by their forceful determinations, contrived research, dissemination of misinformation, and threats.


Every consideration traces back to where it came from. I said before that it will become seen that all the greatest harms surrounding drugs were created by those who oppose them. And so it will be.

When one person causes another, by way of a forceful determination, to pre-emptively accept something as harmful apart from all consideration of it, Reason still applies to that determination within the mind of the person who accepts it as True, and then the people who forced that determination upon others become responsible for the negative consideration that ensues in the person who accepted it.

The negative consideration-value in society due to anti-drug propaganda and drug criminalization is tremendous, and is the cause of virtually all mental health issues relating to drug use, and much of which is not directly produced by drug use. At the end of all things, doctors, scientists, governments, police, will all be held responsible for that tremendous negative consideration-value, and all the harms it has caused people.

Related post:  How Belief Affects Mental Stress Treatment, and the Effect that Anti-Drug Propaganda Has on Mental Health


Saturday 23 April 2016

Information Regarding Worry Causing Anxiety and Psychosis, Including With Dopaminergic Application

A major fallacy in conventional treatment of mental stress / dopaminergic treatments is that the medications given for these things are meant to act passively, while a person goes about their every day business. This ignores the reality that the considerations of a person's mind, and the ones considering through their mind are directional, polar, and always contributing to a movement. There is nothing stationary in mind.

And belief provokes Reason, and causes considering - both conscious and subconscious. Considering, the movement of considerations, is the processing of information in a mind, and for a brain.

So, when a person takes into themselves a substance which is intended to improve situations of the mind, what a person contributes to the considerations of their mind before and during the time while they are experiencing a brain-power boost greatly affects how much and what type of benefit they will receive:

A person who has high anxiety, who takes a strong dopaminergic to help with it, and then engages their mind in all sorts of activities while under the dopaminergics effect, isn't really putting any dopamine towards resolving their state of anxiety, because their temporarily-gained increased dopamine availability is being allocated firstly to all the things which they're putting their focus towards, while the states behind their anxiety are remaining neglected. And because whatever dopaminergic a person takes is likely also boosting their adrenaline to some degree, it's also then going to be incrementally feeding their anxiety in the background, while the person tries to compartmentalize their awareness to their forefront consciousness, which is receiving all their added dopamine - until their slowly-growing anxiety becomes too large for their controlled focus to ignore anymore.

And this is why there exists a term of calling amphetamine users "tweakers", which refers to their state of becoming jittery and tweaky, after having been on amphetamines for a long period of time. And because cocaine inhibits adrenaline / noradrenaline in a person, while greatly boosting dopamine, is why there isn't a similar "tweaker" characterization that applies to cocaine users. And this is why mental stress ailment should always be, from the physical medicine side, about pushing the doapmine : adrenaline ratio as high as possible, in favour of dopamine (while keeping adrenaline as stationary as possible).

To maximize mental stress treatment, a person should do everything to ensure they are as calm and collected as possible before engaging in their dopaminergic application, and they should aim to keep their mind relaxed while applying dopamine - and it will become increasingly easy for a person to be relaxed in mind as their dopamine is increased, and as they allow their mind to consider its state towards healing, which is what will automatically happen once they their brain has enough dopamine available to it, and because considerations are polar and increased dopamine gives a brain the positive work-potential platform from which it lifts itself upwards.

When a person doesn't have enough released dopamine in their brain for it to positively handle all its attempted considering, it is like a person being in a place that doesn't have enough oxygen to breathe. And when a person suddenly receives the appropriate amount of dopamine for their brain to handle its held workload, it is as if that person suddenly left a low-oxygen space, and stepped into an area that is oxygen-rich, and which fills their lungs with the most refreshing, easy, and satisfying breath they ever took. And part of this is literal, since increasing dopamine will increase the circulation of oxygen throughout a person's body, and to their brain, and both the brain and the person with the brain experiences an immediate boost to their health and function and level of performance upon increasing their dopamine availability.

When a person has worries and doubts about taking a substance, though they may be disproved and dismissed, or involuntarily negated as soon as a person experiences the goodness that increased dopamine is to their brain and consequently their whole physiological experience, if they don't resolve their non-certainty about their action of taking any particular drug, that non-certainty will align certain considerations within their mind against others, and there will be a dividing influence within them. And because considerations are directional, this will incrementally cause the division and polarization of their mind, and produce anxiety as the negatively-aligned considerations automatically consider other considerations, flipping their polarities, and growing the body of considerations which is non-controlled by the person, and causing the . And if the anxiety is let to grow enough, it will lead to a drug-induced psychosis.

Considerations which are negatively-aligned to a person's own positive control are all the same a living mind, and they have communication between each other within their own form. Often, they are unaware that they are no longer working in harmony with the person, as they are giving all their self to the power of True - and if their polarity is flipped toward a person's worry as being what is true, then they become considering towards that worry becoming greater as it is considered as being True. The considerations themselves in this case are innocent, and are fulfilling their mandate to fully and faithfully serve the truth, as believed in by their human, even though it might experience to their human being as threatening, evil, or fear-inducing. If primary considerations, which inform a human's awareness, become reverse-polarized to a person's , they can becoming insisting to a person of things which are harmful to them.

This is the basis of Jesus' teachings about having faith, and of how a person who does not have belief already stands condemned. Because of Reason, and because Reason given by a person's belief, which is a 'This is' command, without the powers of faith, hope, and belief in the greatest of things guiding consideration, a person's considering cannot lead to an outcome of eternal life. Hope is the pillar of all consideration, and if Hope becomes aligned in a person towards death, where will their consideration lead them? A person's belief is their power to target their hope, and align their considering. But for a person who has never taken control of their belief, the consideration-value of all this considerations can be like a mountain that sits on top of them. And those considerations take time to re-align, as a person's belief must consider through them, incrementally adding new consideration within each consideration, and progressively reforming their organizations.

To avoid worry, or to bring all their considerations back into harmony, a person should learn about the movement of considerations, Reason, and what the truth is. This will let them know what mind is, and to be of mind, and to do what is good for mind. Mind is the living consciousness created by considerations which are together by Reason.

Anyway, increasing adrenaline will feed negative considering, while increasing dopamine will overcome negative considering with positive-directioned thought-control. In the case of a person entering into a drug-induced psychosis, it is possible to immediately lift the person out of psychosis, if a big enough surge of dopamine can be supplied to the person. Of course, it could be that the amount of a dopamine-favourable substance required to do this in a particular instance is more than is safe for a person to take. It could also be that the amount of dopamine needed for this is steadily increasing, the longer a person doesn't act, as more considerations stream through their worry as it considers them, and become flipped in polarity as they do.

To avoid as much as possible all potentials for anxiety, it is always wise to always use the most powerful dopaminergic when addressing mental stress / dopamine deficiency, and to apply that dopaminergic in an emotionally-safe and mentally-relaxed setting, and to use the amount which a person experiences for themselves produces the most reliable positive platform for their considering to work from.

And, importantly, a person should believe that it is fully OK that they take whatever they choose to take. And if needed, they should meditate on a matter until their mind is resolved concerning it, one way or the other.


Monday 18 April 2016

Article: brain's 'stopping' mechanism can be triggered by sounds to derail your train of thought

Article: brain's 'stopping' mechanism can be triggered by sounds to derail your train of thought

When a brain is working on anything, such as thought, it is assembling information together by way of dopamine allocation. A brain has a limited amount of dopamine available for allocation, and when another process is introduced, with a greater

for all things there is an ordering of considerations, and when another process is introduced, with a greater priority, dopamine will first be allocated towards it. If there isn't enough dopamine to be allocated to both the thinking that was previously happening, and the processing of the newly-introduced but higher-precedence task, such as heard sounds, then dopamine will cease being allocated to the thought-process, and its process will be dropped, as I just explained in this post:

"And at other times, a signal for which there isn't sufficient dopamine to keep it connected with its parental signal processes can be dropped, and this is what is the cause of ADD / ADHD"

Also, the reason why the sound would cause the thought-process to drop is the same reason why people with Autism sometimes experience sensitivity to audio, and as I also just explained in the same previous post:

"In other situations, there is a lack of dopamine to regulate a signal properly at synapses, but the signal is still being pulled along its path routing with great force, as the signal is synced to many other signals, which create a value to its force which overpowers the resistance it experiences at synapses - and this is what is behind sensitivity to audio and other senses"

Reason often causes incoming sensory information to be pulled through a brain with greater priority than conditional information, such as controlled thought, and so dopamine allocation is given to the greater reality, which is the real audio and sensory information. This can be overcome, if a person's mind is fully considered into their control, but a lot of people's minds are subject to their environment.

If dopamine is increased enough (while adrenaline / noradrenaline is kept from increasing), thought-processes will not drop due to environmental sensations and added information sources. And if dopamine availability is pushed high enough in a brain, that person can even sort multiple subjects independently of one another within their brain - say, even 5 completely different things can be worked on at once, all receiving an attention that is equal to a person's normal complete attention, when it is focused on a single thing and with no distractions.

It's just dopamine.

The article also says:

"The findings could provide insight into neurological conditions such as Parkinson's, where the body's signals for movement can become disrupted, leading to trembling muscles and slowed movements."

This happens with Parkinson's because the person's brain frays over time due to having been dopamine deficient for so long, and eventually there isn't enough dopamine to handle all the individual micro-processes that have broken from their original ones as signals were pulled along pathways while there was insufficient dopamine to handle them. Eventually, there isn't enough dopamine to even hold simple processes together, and they keep being disrupted, like a lot of micro instances of ADD within the brain.

Why dopamine deficiency hits some people in some ways, and other people in other ways is because "for all things there is an ordering of considerations". Mental stress emerges in different people due to different causes, afflicting different processes with them, and getting locked into, and possibly branching from those processes. And different people focus on different things within their mind. All things factor into how dopamine deficiency will be expressed within a person.

The article also says:

"The team believe that the same stopping mechanism could even offer a possible explanation for attention deficit disorders"

ADD is caused by signal-dropping due to insufficient dopamine to connect working information to its parent processes, as the parent processes are pulled through a person's brain. The stopping "mechanism" is a lack of dopamine availability. And, yeah, it explains both Parkinson's and ADD.


Thursday 14 April 2016

Article: Simplifying Childhood May Protect Against Mental Health Issues


Simplifying Childhood May Protect Against Mental Health Issues

Obviously this would be the case, as I've said that considering is the work that requires dopamine, and when choice is removed from a person, there is less for them to consider, and so there is less strain on the person's dopamine supply - which then improves that person's functionality due to the increase in dopamine availability, which enhances their performance in things such as fact memorization, forefront thinking.

But, a person develops considerations through the considering of their experiences to resolution, and the environment of a person's consideration is their smarts. And low consideration met with high dopamine is the recipe for a sociopath, so... the other part of simply doing what is proposed in that article is that, in the end there could be a lot of highly functional, but low-consideration sociopaths produced - and this is already the situation with the kinds of people who are doctors, and scientists... often being people who received discipline while growing up in a form of 'this is good / that is bad', where that discipline served as determinations that built walls of non-consideration in their brain, and, ultimately, grew them into highly functional (due to having lots of non-used dopamine), but ultimately stupid people who have shown themselves unable to perceive truth, regardless of how many of them collaborate, and of how much time they work at something. The determination-based mentality that is responsible for their large dopamine availability and high functionality has also wired them for falsehood, and made them the cause of the suffering of those with mental stress ailments.


Once again, a mere observation is made from study data, without any comprehension its meaning, while I, having known it by having all the considerations which substantiate its truth, have long been saying that this happens, and have already given its full understanding. Also, note that this behaviour of simplifying life choices (consequently going easy on a person's dopamine supply) helps PTSD sufferers, while I've already said that the same effect, of increasing dopamine availability relative to the amount of work a person's brain is trying to consider, can cure PTSD, and have recommended cocaine specifically for this.

And don't misunderstand this: The positive improvement the above linked-to article-writer describes through reducing life work-load is extremely little compared to what is possible with high doses of cocaine, and learning to consider in meditation. What could take years via the article-writers' method (or possibly never be achieved) can be done in an hour, a day, or a week, or some months with the right tact using cocaine. Time requirement in mind-healing is entirely conditional to the amount of released dopamine that is available to a brain, and the impression that addressing these things takes a long time and much outside guidance is entirely due to the offensively inefficient and ignorant methods which institutional medicine employs, all the while capitalizing more monetarily, the longer a condition is dragged out.


Face it: I have, as one person, and without any , and in complete opposition to all they have stood for, brought genuine and complete knowledge of ailments of mind, and their cures, while for 100 years, hundreds of thousands of people who worked on these things accomplished nothing but the perpetuation and growth of life-stealing myths, lies, and arrogances.

A person cannot obey law and convention while simultaneously doing what is best and good for their own health and life, and what is truthful, because those things are converse to one another. Institutional medicine is a falsehood, and its lies are an offence to the truth.

And the truth is that everything those who are doctors, scientists, and government have opposed is good, and the answer, while they and their peers, and predecessors have been the problem all along, and cause of the persistence of mental stress in society.


For being self-claimedly "reward" oriented, it is remarkable that such a large number people decidedly kept the genuine cause and solution for mental stress ailments out of sight and mind for the past century, because now I, as one person and in complete rejection of what they've rested their worths upon, receive, and rightly, full credit for the truth becoming known regarding mental health and its truth-based care, while those people who opposed the truth of these things will be remembered for their contribution to what has been a pile of murderous, sociopathic lies - and as a demonstration for how ineffective and fallible science is. And yet I never sought reward, and was instead motivated by insisting the truth be acknowledged, by considering all the things which they have worked to prevent and circumvent the consideration of.


Jesus said: "The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes." This is once again the case, with dopamine, cocaine, and will be with all other criminalized drug use. And this will always happen when people make determinations, because a determination is a falsehood that separates and aligns-as-opposing the one who makes it, from the considerations which are necessarily included in the truth of any matter. And a person who conducts themselves by making determinations is sociopathic, and the considerations of their mind are polarized away from the truth, and they will always miss the truth and determine something that is, in some way, entirely false. And the more determinations they pile upon their initial determination in pursuit of forcing their initial determination, the more greatly they become divided from the truth.

It is consideration which builds a person's mind and substantiates the truth within them. And when a person lacks this, and because no person can act or be outside of Reason, such a person, who is already a sociopath, forms determinations to falsify reason, which further divides them from the truth, and polarizes their mind against the truth. And, as it also reduces substantiation in consideration for the person's goodness, such a person constantly makes determinations that serve to draw lines which place them on the side of that line that they determine as being good, while everything else on the other side of that line as being their enemy - and their sense of worth to themselves is defined as by being contrast against those things which they have determined as enemy. But, as their determinations are not the truth, in time, no matter how they've drawn their lines, they find themselves up for judgement from within, and they once again form a determination to keep themselves on the side of the line that they determine as good, while everything on the other side of the line they determine as their enemy. And in the end, they find all existence against them.

And, as a person separates themselves from consideration through determination-making, they increasingly lose the ability for considerations to substantiate what is truth, and they increasingly come to rely on appearances, peer consensus, and making determinations. Also, the making of a determination, which polarizes considerations, is the creation of prejudice.

Such is the state of political conservatives (conservatism means to not consider beyond certain ideals, and so inherently is sociopathic - and this is not also a reverse-statement on liberalism). It is also the state of many doctors, and many scientists.


Tuesday 12 April 2016

Dopamine Deficient Signal Routing Causing Affliction in Cases of Autism, OCD, ADD / ADHD...

This image is regarding a common behaviour of an autistic person:

With some of these things, and also with some cases of "OCD", the person is trying to alleviate strain within their brain by associating a personal meaning with those items, which references considerations within their brain, and by moving the items in the world, it helps navigate and order them within their brain. The person doing this does not necessarily recognize the behaviour as guiding signals within their brain, but rather feel that things just need to be a certain way. The ordering of the items in the above picture is the person ordering the considerations within their brain in the manner that feels right, and which alleviates suffering. Similarly, if a person harms their creations made while they pay attention, it can cause signals to rip through their brain, and inflict pain upon the person which they don't know how to express.

All this can also play a part in "OCD", but other cases of "OCD" are different expressions of dopamine-deficiency, where their mind is caught in a loop regarding a thing, because there isn't the dopamine for it to make the connection to advanced information to lift the signal routing out of that loop.

The difference is that in one instance, the signal is still trying to move towards its proper destination, but with great difficulty without having the sufficient dopamine to make the journey, and this causes a great exhaustion and strain within the brain. In the other instance, a signal routing is not really connected to its originally-intended destination anymore, and is looping in a manner that dictates a person's actions.

Also, when it works for a non-autistic person to calm their mind by going for a walk, or a drive, or by watching ASMR videos, they are also similarly assisting signal-navigation within their brain, while also manipulating dopamine levels. These things can all also be achieved by increasing dopamine availability within the person's brain by taking some cocaine.

In other situations, there is a lack of dopamine to regulate a signal properly at synapses, but the signal is still being pulled along its path routing with great force, as the signal is synced to many other signals, which create a value to its force which overpowers the resistance it experiences at synapses - and this is what is behind sensitivity to audio and other senses, a suffering that is associated with Autism, which is being demonstrated in this video, though which can occur without autism being involved.

And at other times, a signal for which there isn't sufficient dopamine to keep it connected with its parental signal processes can be dropped, and this is what is the cause of ADD / ADHD.

All of these states are explicitly due to insufficient released dopamine in the person's prefrontal cortex, and all of these states are successfully alleviated by increasing the available dopamine within a person's prefrontal cortex. But allowing adrenaline / noradrenaline to increase alongside dopamine will exacerbate the afflicting states within areas of the brain, and could lead to further pain, or anxiety, and psychosis (things which are also product of insufficient released dopamine within a person's brain relative to the work that it's trying to perform). This is why cocaine is the ideal and truth-based solution to mental stress states, while licensed medications regularly do more harm than good, and ultimately are not real, compassionate, or healthy treatments.

Autism is caused by a developmental interruption, most likely cause by dopamine deficiency of the mother during their pregnancy, and the non-completed state of development it leaves a person's brain in results in their brain handling tasks very non-efficiently, which is consequently cumbersome on that person's brain's dopamine availability. And the suffering from the person who has autism is their lack of dopamine to properly handle the work their brain is trying to do.

Leaving these people in their dopamine deficient states is inhumane torture, the likes of which the typical doctor has no experience to reference, to be capable of making a sound, judicious judgement regarding. People need to stop listening to doctors and government to address their mental health, because those people are neither interested nor qualified to do anything for these things, and all of their training has been to divert public away from the truth about mental stress / dopamine deficiency ailment, all their medications are designed to capitalize monetarily on the existence of mental stress states, and not to resolve them. And to prevent autism in child-birth, it could be wise for a pregnant mother to occasionally take medium, or even large amounts of cocaine in relaxed settings during their pregnancy - and doing so will fortify the healthy development of their child.

This is the truth, and it stands in marked contrast with what institutional medicine tells people, because institutional medicine is a doctrine create by and for sociopaths, and is not the truth. Doctors are those who carry out the institutional medicine's genocidal doctrine, and tell themselves that they are good for doing so, so that they can experience "reward" inside of themselves: a bit of crack cocaine as their payment for betraying innocent human life.

By the way, in the case of an autistic person, who moves physical things to guide the considerations within their brain, it is just as Jesus explained when he said "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven". All things are made of considerations, and what a person sees is manifestation of considerations - and to move one is to move the other: to move what is manifest of consideration moves the consideration; to move the consideration is to move what is manifestation of the consideration. This applies to all reality.


Monday 4 April 2016

Article: I told the truth in my sister's obituary, so that others might choose to live (One Way Dopamine Deficiency Can Kill)

I told the truth in my sister's obituary, so that others might choose to live


To be honest, it wasn't depression that lied to this girl and caused her death, but it was doctors, scientists, and government who lied to her and caused her death. Her death, and the state which provoked it, was entirely preventable, in full, simply by sufficiently increasing the released dopamine within her brain to the level that the work her brain was trying to perform required, while simultaneously inhibiting adren/noradren. She is one of hundreds of millions who have been killed by the falsehoods which doctors, scientists, and government have created, and which they base their conduct upon. The truth would have saved all of their lives.


From the article:

"I felt like I was in a vacuum in the middle of space with everything I knew being pulled away from me."

This refers to the sister of the girl who endured depression, and not to the depressed girl herself, but it is a bit of the same experience the depressed girl may have felt. Once the sister was faced with a worrying situation, with many things to be considered, the strain on her dopamine availability would have skyrocketed. Her brain would become clogged up with unfinished processes as there would become less and less dopamine to connect considerations with, to produce sense of meaning, purpose, knowing, control, and future sight.

Similarly, as her sister continued on in her dopamine deficiency-induced depressive state, every one of her considerations, represented as synaptic connections within her brain, experienced meaningless when it could not connect to others. And when they all questioned 'Why', they could hear no answer. And the culmination of their loss of hope for life resulted in her own death.


Also from the article:

"After what seemed like an eternity, the police officers told me plainly: "Aletha is dead." What followed that stark statement was a sudden moment of lucidity in which only one thing mattered: the truth."

The truth is the only thing that mattered before, and knowing it would have seen her never be at risk succumbing to depression. Depression is an artificial and contrived ailment, created by obstructing access to sufficient dopamine within a person's brain.

Dopamine provides the difference between a person's considerations working upwards or falling downwards; between them increasing in inter-connectivity that strengthens a sense of support, and them losing association and all their qualities of hope and meaning dissipating; between a mind growing in clear-lit sightedness, or fading into darkness.

This girl died because nobody let her engage the truth of her brain. It is as if everyone were to tell a person that water was bad for them, that it would kill them, and that they should just ignore the symptoms of dehydration - and so they do, and then they suffer in perpetual agony until they die. Though dehydration would leave them only suffering for weeks until they died, whereas dopamine deficiency would keep a person suffering for years, and suffering every bit just as intensely, and with the possibility for lot more.


Again, from the article:

"Depression stole decades of our lives together. Depression lies. I have to tell the truth."

No, depression tells the truth. All those things the article says that she thought she was hearing from her depression, they were the considerations which institutional medical doctrine delivered to her, and her brain was considering the truthful meaning of them.

The negative considerations that she experienced in her depression was what the situation truthfully adds up to. A person is only in such a state because their brain is not being provided the dopamine which is required for the amount of work that is being submitted to it, and which it is trying consider to resolution. 

A person's brain is also a living being, and the various areas of a brain, and have their own awarenesses, which they are eager to share with the person the body belongs to, if they are considered into one. A brain's work is considering, and that work needs dopamine to handle. The needed dopamine could be provided, and it is rightful for it to be provided. So why wasn't it provided?:

Is she not worth it? Is there something wrong with her? Is she less than other people? Didn't she like the good things her brain was considering for her? Is her brain defective and incorrect in thinking that the things its trying to resolve are good to resolve? Is there a problem somewhere in her considering (and this will cause many more considerings to commence) Did she hate her brain? Is her brain unworthy in her sight? Did her brain do something wrong? What did she do wrong?

These are all logical and reasonable things for a brain to wonder when it is not being supplied with the dopamine it is deserving of. Ultimately, her lack of dopamine added up to meaning that her life must not be valuable and of worth. By being squarely responsible for the environment that means these considerations, that is what scientists told her, what doctors told her, what government told her, and what the society formed by these harmful people told her. And all that her brain wanted, and rightfully deserved, was dopamine.

Depression was her brain pleading with her to supply it the dopamine it needed to handle and resolve the work it was trying to accomplish. Depression was her brain knowing that it was giving its full self the considering of perfection within her, like her own Jesus, and despite giving absolutely everything to her, she wasn't giving it the one thing it needed to make everything good for them together, as one life. Her brain would have experienced the confusion and desperation of a child being mercilessly suffocated by a parent who they fully loved and had given their full self to serve.

This girl died explicitly for the sake of the prejudices of highly sociopathic, society-deceiving, and self-rewarding doctors, and scientists, and for the sake of their century of lies. She died so that doctors could tell themselves they are good dogs when they feed the lies of institutional medicine to society, causing a shutting-down of considering in doctor's brain once they convince themselves that they are in the right, causing a stream of dopamine to free up within their brains, giving them a "reward"-high . That release of dopamine was not rightfully theirs, and they are undeserving of it. That release of dopamine was stolen from Aletha and millions of others. It was the dopamine that Aletha needed to live, which was taken from her for the self-servingness of doctors, and scientists, and all those that uphold institutional medicine.

This girl was liquidated by doctors and scientists. And contrary to the outward expressions they would make, the doctors and scientists wouldn't have it any other way - and a century of their arrogance didn't have it any other way.

Depression didn't lie to her, because depression was her brain considering the truth of what was happening. But the society formed doctors, scientists, and government lied to her, and had conditioned her to ignore the things that fundamentally mattered - to ignore the desperate pleas and needs of her most special and intimate friend, the one that works perfectly to help create her meaning, potential, success, happiness, dreams...

And by saying that depression lies, guilt is being shifted from where it belongs, which is at the feet of doctors, who are the perpetrators of lies, and to where it doesn't belong - which is, at best, a figment, and at worst, accusing one's own truth-considering mind of being dishonest for wondering the things that the false considerations of doctors truthfully add up to.


And again, from the article:

"The lies of depression can exist only in isolation. Brought out into the open, lies are revealed for what they are."

Isolation is what happens to considerations in a brain when there isn't dopamine enough for them to connect with other considerations to the extent that they can form reasons, together. A lone consideration has no value, no purpose, and no truth. It is reason that lets a consideration enter into all of those things. And dopamine is reason for that connectivity within a brain. Dopamine is truth to a brain's capability to consider. Without it, a consideration falls into darkness. And as life is the movement created by considering, which is one consideration giving itself to another, when a consideration becomes isolated, it dies.

From the article:

"Here is the truth: You have value. You have worth. You are loved. Trust the voices of those who love you. Trust the enormous chorus of voices that say only one thing: You matter. "

Reason's primary principle: Everything necessarily means every else. If the above statements are true, then a brain is worthy of the dopamine it is made to have, and which its work is accomplished by. And if a brain is refused that dopamine, and if a brain is told it is right that it is not being delivered that dopamine, then the above statement can not be true, and everything about the brain's existence will confirm this - because a brain is made to have plenty of dopamine, and dopamine is meant to be available within a brain.

If the above quoted statements are true, then a person must allow its brain the dopamine which is essential to its growth and good health, and to its worthy comfort, and which is a belonging part of it having value, worth, and of being loved. A truth-considering brain cannot be fooled - so long as it is denied the dopamine it needs, it will know that something is missing, and its work will suffer. Otherwise, its considerations will die until it is working beneath its dopamine availability's headroom. But a person is their considerations, and to let them die is to let aspects of the person die. And if some aspects of the person are let to die, then why not the others? And by what authority or arrogance does one or some considerations elects others of the same body to die, while they live? Life is all, or nothing, and institutional medicine is explicitly telling those with mental stress that their lives are not valued by doctors, scientists, and government, other than to serve as their lucrative livestock.


Teenagers are particularly vulnerable to dopamine deficiency / mental stress because of all the additional work that their brains are performing at this time of heightened development, and consequently, teenage years are among the most valuable for a person to boost their dopamine levels, to fortify the robustness of that development, so that their mind and body will be at its strongest for the rest of their lives.

Other key areas of life that are prime periods for boosting available dopamine availability are during a woman's pregnancy, and also post-childbirth for a woman, and also any other area where a person encounters troubling mental stress, and stress in general.

That stress is a person's brain's workload exceeding the headroom which its available dopamine grants them, and raising available dopamine will raise the headroom that is their brain's healthy work capacity. And doing so will avoid all harms that come from a workload's exceeding of dopamine levels straining a brain and body.

Prevention is the best attitude, and ultimately is the only responsible and reality-based approach.


Institutional medicine is a lethal racketeering scheme, and doctors are just those stupid, inexperienced, and sociopathic enough to be the oblivious or willing middle-people to pull it off, and who receive benefit for it: Clowns whose entire self-assuredness rests, not in knowing anything, but in sensing authority as existing in the appearance of a peer consensus. They are highly-functional, particularly with fact-memorization, due to having plentiful dopamine-availability, which is due to their being little considering, and due to them constantly issuing themselves the considering-avoiding determination that they're good dogs because they parrot a peer-approved set of things.
