Tuesday 20 October 2015

Sociopathism and Dopamine Deficiency Can Invoke Each Other's Behaviours

This is something I've wanted to mention for a long time, but haven't brought into things yet. And I'm still not going to talk about it much right now.

But what is the difference between not having particular consideration within a person, and a person having that particular consideration within themselves, but not have enough released dopamine to handle its engagement alongside the engagement of all other consideration they're engaging?

A sociopathic and a non-sociopathic person might do same and similar things, but for entirely different reasons. So, even more so, a person with dopamine deficiency may again appear to portray similar and same behavioural habits as a sociopathic person, but with entirely different cause behind the behaviour. The sociopathic person is unwilling to consider for the good of another, or what inconveniences them. A person with dopamine deficiency hasn't the energy to do (in thought, choice, or in action) the things that a sociopathic person would has the energy to do, but isn't willing to consider the actualization for.

A person cannot accomplish what exceeds their dopamine budget's allowance - it forms the ceiling of their capacity. A person's brain accessing considerations to experience their meaning, and assembling them for action is done through dopamine's availability. If dopamine's availability isn't there to do those things, then those things will not occur.

It should not be underestimated just how much dopamine deficiency incapacitation can resemble uncaring sociopathism. But the person incapacitated by dopamine deficiency suffers within themselves from their own incapacity, and doesn't even have dopamine enough to produce understanding of why, or to express themselves outwardly, and might well feel guilt that creates all kinds of mental processes that weigh down upon their dopamine budget even more.

One example of sociopathism invoking the behaviour of dopamine deficiency, is a person who generally is not willing to consider, and therefore has not built up the considerations, represented by the synaptic connections within their brain, to process certain information.

Then, if that certain information is presented to them, and their subconscious brain perceives its meaning and tries to consider its resolution, that can make the person's brain hurt, or strain, because the person's less-developed consideration regarding the details of that subject means that there is more work to be accomplished on the spot to be able to conceptualize the components needed for that work, and to gain its answer's knowing.

All that greater work requires greater dopamine to accomplish, and the person not used to considering much will experience the sudden drop in their free unallocated dopamine as a strain within their brain. And maybe they will even blame the source of the information for their sudden discomfort, as if presenting information to them to be considered were an abuse.

Sociopathism is prevalent in society, and addressing it is much more frequently a matter of 'regarding which things is there sociopathic conduct within a particular person's brain' rather than a question of 'is a person sociopathic or not'. But to the extent that a person is reward-oriented, they are also sociopathic.

I've hoped that people who may read this blog seeking answers to their own conditions would not be led to mistaken conclusions regarding what may be the cause of their own state.


Monday 19 October 2015

Richard Branson Announces UN to Promote Drug Decriminalization and end of War on Drugs

Founder of Virgin enterprise Richard Branson announces that the UN is set to promote drug decriminalization around the world, and to end the so-called War on Drugs:

Richard Branson Leaks U.N. Draft Paper on Decriminalizing Drugs
UN to call on governments around the world to decriminalise all drugs, says Richard Branson

As the human brain fundamentally runs on all the things illicit drugs provide the release of: dopamine, seratonin, opioids, adrenaline... the so-called War on Drugs has always, in truth, been a war against humanity, and has meant the liquidation of human life for the benefit of those most sociopathic in society, and those most ignorant about the nature of their professions. The War on Drugs and institutional doctrine regarding health treatment, especially mental health treatment, are one and the same, with their designs stemming from the same sources, administering downwards.

Unfortunately, those who train for these professions, those "entrenched experts", as Dr Carl Hart put it (though I addressed it more face-forward in this post), are not informed of this while they train, and are with too much ingrained prejudice and dogmatic belief, being so strongly of a dopamine-ample disposition, to possibly consider beyond their narrow experience and closed mental environments (in other words, they are highly sociopathic, and this makes them useful for little that is good).

Caral Hart was correct in saying that "drugs are not the problem" (and if so, they're every human's beneficial problem from the moment they are conceived in the womb, as their very assemblage there is reliant upon sufficient dopamine-availability in their mother's brain). The problems are doctors, scientists, and the institutional doctrine which they've been peddled, and which they peddle. These people and things are immense obstacles to health in today's world, and, as all the things which they obstruct are fully treatable and curable (as I'm showing and will show to completion), a person who suffers one of the pertinent conditions does not so much have Depression, or Anxiety, or Psychosis, etc, but is foremost the victim of a False medical doctrine and those who preach and practice it.

Here is a excerpt of writing that is from a post which I haven't yet finalized:

For all conditions of mental stress, which is the state of having insufficient released dopamine where a brain is routing signals, dopamine is the one true answer, and all others are incompatible with an authentic resolution. Dopmaine presents the correct block-shape to fit through dopamine-shaped holes. A person suffering mental stress ailments has a dopamine-shaped hole within themselves.

The best solution for these people is cocaine, as cocaine produces the healthier-than-natural release of dopamine within a person, and is the proficient release of a person’s own natural dopamine, while invoking a significant inhibition upon adrenaline.

Cocaine is the star-shaped block that fits into the star-shaped hole that is a person’s mental stress, to address, treat, and a cure their state of dopamine deficiency and its emergent ailments. Cocaine is veritably the miracle cure that it was previously regarded as being before its prohibition, and which it never was found as being otherwise than in all the time from then until now. Indeed, all information since that time corroborates that cocaine actually was, and therefore still is, that miracle cure. And I can confirm that this is the real-world case.

A person who is asphyxiating requires oxygen, a person who is starving needs food, a person who is dehydrated needs water, and a person who is experiencing mental stress needs dopamine: Or precisely, they need dopamine’s release to increase in their brain independently of adrenaline / noradrenaline’s release – which is exactly the unique effect of cocaine.

A person who is suffering mental stress literally needs, more than any other thing, cocaine, and cocaine is the real solution to a person’s state of mental stress.

Mental Stress emergent and contributing ailments include: ADD/ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Psychosis, Dementia (Alzheimers, Parkinsons…), PTSD, Fascia Adhesions, and more. All these things are branches from shared sources.


If a person has suffered any of these, or retired their life while afflicted with any of these, or has family that suffers or suffered any of these, know this: the suffering was without justification. There was and is real prevention and cure for all of these things, and most of these things enter into the body through one door - that left open by an absence of released dopamine.

In medieval ages witches were hunted. Before (and still during) then, religious infidels. Just some decades ago, homosexuals were seen as mentally ill, depraved, and possibly contagious. None of these human stupidities meets the measurement of intellectual and moral depravity which the creation and persecution of those with dopamine deficiency has set. Racism is still around, but the greatest evil a human could ever conjure was the criminalization against the fundamental state and needs of being human and having a working brain - an evil that was brought and furthered by the scientists and doctors of the world, who are still practising that evil to this day.


Wednesday 7 October 2015

Dopamine's Role in Energy and Information-Connectivity - Bringing the Power of Yes

Just as the term Physio-Fuel suggests (and as denoted in the article Dopamine impacts your willingness to work - which I addressed in this post), Dopamine is a person’s energy. If a person has an idea, yet is not moving towards it for any reason they can put their finger on, it’s because they haven't enough Dopamine released in their brain to initiate and carry out its actualization. If enough Dopamine is released in a brain to actualize an idea, the person will move to carry out its actualization naturally. The knowing of its actualization will be the person’s experience, and it will be their natural movement. As I previously said, thoughts are the fragments of Will.

The ideas in a person’s brain are the things their mind is reaching towards, and as I've said, a mind is always considering towards its greatest belief. Belief is a ‘This Is’ declaration, and considerations, even those beyond the signals in a person’s brain, are polar and move with magnetic force. And as I said, a person can only go where their consideration gives them pathway to go.

When a person has physiological energy for it, they will actualize their ideas, just like a train that is being powered will head wherever the tracks before it are laid out to go. In fact, a person with enough Dopamine needs to be active. All that energy Dopamine gives has to go somewhere, and if a person doesn’t direct it, it will naturally distribute through the path of least resistance in a person's considerations – and this is a third factor of the impulsiveness that is associated with Sociopathism (low consideration met with higher dopamine being the recipe for a sociopath).

The other two factors for Sociopathism's impulsiveness that I’ve mentioned are in these posts:

Controlled Dopamine Release's Influence in Sociopathism, and for Health
Consideration Normalizes a Mind, Determinations Polarize a Mind

Physical productivity is an expression of having released Dopamine enough that extends beyond the requirements of a person’s ongoing considering. Without enough released Dopamine, a person will not be active, even if they strongly desire to be. Without Dopamine to deliver the signals in a person’s brain to actualize physical expression, a person can’t move their limbs, or own thoughts, for that matter, and it will be to a person as if there are weights weighing down their every movement, and every action takes far more effort for a person in such a Dopamine-starved state.

There is a point of buoyancy in a person’s mind that is achieved through released Dopamine. As Dopamine increases above that line, the mind, and its considerations will be increasingly lifting upwards all on their own, independent of the human's personal effort. Whereas as Dopamine decreases below that line, a person's cognisance will stagnate – and if considering breaks in a person’s mind (which happens due to very low Dopamine for signal pathing that is routing with magnetic force), any break introduces a point of failure that acts as a False evaluation in what was previously and rightfully a True evaluation for information to pass through, and whatever information falls through that artificial False evaluation as the brain considers will pull that line of thought, and the whole person’s mind and energy downwards, independent of their effort, and against their efforts otherwise.

Considering is a streaming of information, where each next consideration that is being considered is supported upon the consideration that came before. And the consideration that came before is part of the identity of the consideration that comes next, with the end of one being the beginning of the next. And as a signal moves along a pathway, it gains the quality of each consideration it passes through.

Dopamine too acts as a consideration in the pathway that processes a person’s thoughts and mind, and is the power of Yes to each next positive consideration in a series. When there is insufficient Dopamine to pass a signal, and in the right timing, then that signal artificially picks up a No message and influence, which it carries on along through everywhere that it passes, which also changes where that signal is going to go, what new considerations will be born in response to it, and will create many new processes that try to clean up all the No messages being distributed through a brain, which are problematic to the whole brain’s messaging system. All that new work itself requires Dopamine, especially for all efforts of choice and will that a person must give in resistance of No messages coming from their brain.

So, the less Dopamine a person has, the less they are able to handle the situations brought about by their low Dopamine state and pick themselves up again. The more Dopamine a person has released, the more a person is guarded against low energy, stress-bringing states. Stress only finds its way in when there wasn’t enough Dopamine to response to signal routing that emerged in a person’s brain, and insufficient Dopamine relative to work a brain is trying to do is stress’ precise identity.

Dopamine is the power of Yes between considerations, and is a person’s work-potential. And by looking at PET scans, it can be seen all the things that a brain is saying Yes to. But information that is already fully reasoned into a being as a concept doesn’t require further Yes work between its considerations, and recollecting the one concept will mean all its considerations, however numerous they are, being brought forth using the quantum of Dopamine that any single issuance to form connection between two considerations requires.

As a person’s Dopamine level falls, so does the person’s control over their own brain And as Dopamine is lost, so also is a person’s power of choice, and their awareness that comes from recognizing the presence of information they know and hold in consideration.

Whether or not a medical practitioner likes to face the reality, when access to Dopamine is restricted, human life, potential, success, happiness, comfort, health and well-being are all being regulated. And as I said, society has been gamed to easily distribute successes to less considering people, while turning whole other demographics into lucrative livestock stifled into a state of forced submissive dependence, without their acknowledgement or choice.


Article: Increased brain connectivity eases teenage impatience

Article: Increased brain connectivity eases teenage impatience

I knew and described these things when I said long ago that consideration is what gives structure and control to a person's emotion, and when I spoke that a person can only go where their consideration gives them pathway to go, and when I said that a person's considerations are represented as the synaptic connection within their brain. And when I said that a person is always considering towards their greatest belief.

And I recently included these things in the post: Consideration Normalizes a Mind, Determinations Polarize a Mind, which was an extension of the post: The Exact Mechanism of Sociopathism

But while the above linked-to study only made an observation without a greater comprehension for it, I'd already provided comprehension of the whole environment in which this happens, stated that these connections do provide this effect, and also gave the comprehension for why and how it happens. And I received it all by considering. And as I said, I still know everything more as well.

For all things there is an ordering of considerations. And if people had wired themselves to consider the truth, free of determinations, and not their own benefit, the natural and only thing that would come to them would be the truth. It only takes one good will (Will being the expressed choice whether to consider) to resolve all things - though it involves the considering of all things for resolution to produce.
