Wednesday 22 April 2015

Overview of Why Placebo Works, and Isn't Really Placebo After All

I’ve already said most everything regarding this, but I will put some of its parts into a single post, and a person can have fun with piecing it together for themselves, if they’re inclined:

- Considerations do not communicate with each other from a distance, but one detail flows seamlessly into the next

- The signals in a person’s brain are polar and subject to magnetism

- Belief is a ‘This Is’ declaration that pulls all considerations into a unified True evaluation

- The mechanisms of the metabolic pathway can be triggered in two ways: by decomposition of a molecule (which itself has a frequency that carries its meaning as a signal and equates to a ‘This Is’ declaration upon whatever it contacts), or by a reasoned thought-signal that contains the same declarative information

- A person’s perception is a reflection of their belief

Now here is one more:

The ability to consider is the power to create signals that can hold any information, and mean any intended thing to whatever receives it. But a person's existing consideration structure is always either working with them, or against them.

Observation sees only the interacting of the considerations which a person already knows within themselves, missing the truth of what actually is – and so taking direction based on a reflection of what is already known is self-reducing upon whatever accepts that direction as authority (an infinite negative loop).


Tuesday 21 April 2015

The Self-Incriminating Foolishness of 'Dopamine as Reward'

Related post: The Actuality of Dopamine Releases

Talking about dopamine’s role and identity is also talking about the primary and foundational motivator behind information transferring across synapses. For all things there is an ordering of considerations, and so information passing for the sake of 'Reward', or personal benefit, is an entirely different reason from information passing on the grounds that it is truthful - and these two motivators lead in entirely different directions. It is a case of ‘if one, then not the other’.

This is the foundational reason why information passes across synapses in a person’s brain, and it determines what a person will say, and why they’ll say it. A person for whose belief is 'Reward' will say what benefits themselves, their sector of authority, their ideals and preferences – all of these things being irrelevant to what is truthful and reality, and standing in opposition to Truth.

A truthful person cannot easily speak dishonestly, and a dishonest person cannot easily speak truthfully. Again, it is a case of ‘if one then not the other’ regarding the structure of a person’s mind, whether it is made to deliver signals through its neural network in a manner that outputs acknowledgment of truth, or whether it is structured to determine what is in one’s own personal interest, and route signals to that end.

A person who expresses a belief in ‘Dopamine as Reward’ has made a public announcement that they are non-credible on the matter, and are willfully dishonest when it suits their personal preference - so that in any situation where it is personally favourable to speak something contrary to the truth, they will do so. Such a person has no rightful place in a discussion about how a brain functions, because they self-admittedly speak what caters to an undisclosed benefit of theirs, putting personal reward ahead of Truth.

Additionally, in failing to recognize the statement they are making against themselves (that they are inherently dishonest at the smallest measurement of information-connectivity within their brain, as their motivation is distinct and separate from Truth), they have made public that they lack the smarts to be competent to ascertain what is really going on, and have shown themselves to be bumbling along blindly.

This is a further expounding, and more direct-faced acknowledgment of the same recognition that is being expressed by Carl Hart when he said "There are — I would almost call them ‘entrenched experts’ — whose professional life and identity depends upon their being recognized as experts in this field".

They speak what is exactly not the truth because they find it beneficial for themselves to do so - but in another case of 'if one then not the other', in speaking untruthfully regarding human physiological wellness, they are doing exactly contrary to what society presumes they would be doing, and in the process they are committing an undetected genocide against human life and wellness.

Dopamine is not for reward, nor is there a reward-circuit within the human brain. The person who claims to operate out of, or perceive either has declared themselves to have made the personal choice deep within themselves to be untrustworthy, and truthless, making themselves blind - and in doing so, they inadvertently gave the truth.

Other related posts:

A Dopamine Molecule is a Quantum of Work-Potential
Dopamine is a Nutrient and Resource of Greatest Value


Saturday 18 April 2015

The Actuality of Dopamine Releases

When a person engages ciruits in their mind, each synapse node allocates dopamine to transiting signals across its synpases, just like a computer allocates its memory to active processes. When a brain resolves work, it frees up dopamine that it had allocated to the work. When a person is in need, that sense of need, or the devices of the body feeling hungry, tired, or whatever, are causing many signals to be sent throughout the body, bearing down on the person’s dopamine availability. When a person satiates those needs, and clears their mind of activity, dopamine is returned / released to free availability.

When a person has considered their self-worth to be dependent upon being busy, or accomplishing tasks of certain self-designated stature, their awareness that they haven’t fulfilled their prerequisite to think of themselves as a good dog bears on their brain’s circuitry, and their dopamine-availability. When they satisfy their personal judgment of themselves, there are signals sent throughout their brain that tells them that they’re now a good dog, and don’t need to feel worried or unworthy, and can now feel pleased with themselves – and this relaxes all sorts of processes in the brain, freeing up dopamine, and causes that person to receive these particular-to-sociopaths dopamine releases, which they’ve called for themselves ‘Reward’.

A brain re-wires itself according to how a person considers, and this ‘Reward’ sociopathism doesn’t apply to many people, because for a person who didn’t weigh their self-worth upon what they accomplished, there wasn’t a strain experienced throughout their psyche regarding whether they did something or didn’t do something. And for a person who had enough self-belief to simply expect a successful outcome as certainty upon completing an action, and didn’t count the success to mean anything towards their identity, there is no mental relaxation or self-comforting at the end of completing the action – the already-known outcome simply came to be as already accepted.

Also, in a person who considers truthfully, completing a considering (or any non-mental process) doesn’t invoke mental self-gratification, because for them the resolution of a considering produces a new and greater meaning that is recognized by that mind, and which seamlessly invokes a brand new considering – thus not changing the activity level of that person’s mind. The person who closes down their mind after a task in self-congratulation has compartmentalized the information in their mind into static determinations, and is operating sociopathically.

A person’s perception is a reflection of their own belief. A person cannot see the presence of considerations that they do not have within themselves.

‘Reward’ is a bogus abstract concept that was coined by empty-headed sociopaths, and it has poisoned institutional medicine to cater only to the further benefit of sociopathic dispositions, and to be extremely harmful to those who are not sociopathic regarding their brain-wiring.

Sociopathic brain-wiring works antithetically to truthful brain-wiring, and talking about dopamine’s role and identity is also talking about the primary and foundational motivator behind information transferring across synapses. For all things there is an ordering of considerations, and so information passing for the sake of 'Reward', or personal benefit, is an entirely different reason from information passing on the grounds that it is truthful - and these two motivators lead in entirely different directions. It is a case of ‘if one, then not the other’. And right now, only sociopathic dispositions are catered to by practiced conventional medicine - and that speaks everything regarding the people who are operating conventional medical systems.


Thursday 16 April 2015

Regarding Treating & Curing Mental Stress Ailments

This electronic stimulation therapy talked about by people like Norman Doidge, that syncs the firing of neurons in a person's brain, healing all types of ailments... the same thing is accomplished with Cocaine - or by significantly increasing the dopamine in a person's brain while inhibiting epinephrine / norepinephrine levels. It can take almost no time at all.

The electric signals in a person's brain - or anywhere for that matter - are polar and subject to magnetism. Give a brain enough dopamine, and it will sync all its considerations ( the timing of firing of its neurons ) automatically. Normally, increasing dopamine and causing a simultaneous epinephrine / norepinephrine increase will have the effect of accelerating harmful processes in a person's brain, including accelerating the progression of any ailment.

Cocaine is unique, in greatly increasing dopamine while inhibiting epinephrine / norepinephrine - and even while cocaine still causes the overall levels of epinephrine / norepinephrine to increase, the ratio is so large in dopamine favour that it's well compensated for. Plus, the first 2 - 5 seconds after insufflating Cocaine, dopamine gets increased before epinephrine / norepinephrine kicks in its own increase, and a brain can accomplish very, very much throughout all its neural network in those 2 - 5 super-powered seconds that are entirely free from an epinephrine / norepinephrine counter-influence.

Cocaine can cure psychosis, depression, and much else virtual in a flash, if it's used with understanding. Cocaine can and will also prevent alzheimer's, parkinson's, and much else. Because it still influences both dopamine and adrenaline, how it's used will determine everything, and just as the signals in a person's brain are polar, so too can be the outcome of using Cocaine, or any dopaminergic to treat ailments. But once the information of how to use it is known, success is as certain as making a sandwich for a person who knows how they're going to go about it.

All the elements of the outline in this post will be articulated fully to give the full understanding:
Basic Framework for the Personal Addressing of Mental Stress to Treat and Cure its Ailments


Much Conventional Therapy Fails Due To Being Based Upon a Belief in Magic

A person with lowered dopamine is robbed of their potential, and is deprived of value and meaning in their life. No mental reconditioning alone will fix that – meaning is produced by the connections between considerations, and those considerations are synaptic connections in the brain, and if there’s not enough dopamine for it, information won’t be travelling across those synaptic connections to trigger the awareness and experience of the details to produce meaning, and to recognize value.

Treatment routes that are based in trying to counsel somebody to accept a more positive view is on par with trying to convince a person to simply believe and accept that they don’t need to breathe air, or that they don’t need to drink water to get by. It is like telling a person without legs that having legs isn’t the solution to walking, and that they just need to start walking as they are. It’s useless and unintelligent sentiment that further victimizes whoever is subjected to it.

Positive perception is the product of synaptic connections transmitting and connecting many details that bear meaning between each other and substantiate in a manner that equals something that is in fact positive. If there isn’t enough dopamine availability to accomplish that, then all that other treatment is doing is exploiting a person’s state and leading them on with unending false hope, and wearing a person down until they concede their expectations from life. The professionals doing the exploiting have ample dopamine released in their brains, and are hypocrites.

And the victims of such treatments don’t even know of it, because their ability to perceive and be aware is dependent upon having a normal level of dopamine available to them. Lowered dopamine in a person means that their awareness is also lowered to a point that will always sit beneath their ability to recognize their loss of experience.

And so people made docile by their lack of information-processing capability get lulled, by medical professionals, into accepting an experience of life that is so far below even the mundane moments of those who’ve subjected them to it that it can’t even be seen from where the average person is, and isn’t known to exist to them. And the people who treat people in these states are so innocent of the experiences of suffering these things that they have no rightful place to be treating them at all.

Outlooks can change everything - but only if there is first dopamine enough for a person to piece together what their current outlook is, to perceive how it's influencing their experiences, and to move their mind and brain's information in a way to reshape that outlook by changing their considerations. There should be no expectation of a lengthy time-based-process from a person to do this - dopamine availability directly correlates to mental clarity and strength of thought control, and enough mental clarity and thought control means the ability to make necessary or wanted changes.

Conventional institutional medicine is all about expanding what can take only moments into as expensive, long, and system-dependency-producing a process as possible.


Tuesday 14 April 2015

Reflecting Upon the Trustworthiness of Institutional Medicine

A big flaw in current society is that doctors are well regarded, paid nicely, are given an unquestioned (and for a patient, practically unquestionable) authority, and that becoming one depends on the memorization of many static facts which requires a disposition that is high in natural dopamine-availability - and these things are a big factors in the types of people who are drawn towards becoming doctors, and determines which people are best served from a system operated by people of this disposition.

A doctor is a trained monkey. One can practice for decades, yet still be wholly without comprehension and experience. They are indoctrinated according to a script, they work from a script, and they write scripts. The understanding that they hold is perfunctory, and so it is worthless wherever truth is valued. Is treating a person something that is done by use of truth, or through the use of indoctrinated precepts and ideals that circumvent and deny the truth from their outsets?

Take some time to consider this line Cart Hart gives, in an article / interview which starts with saying "Carl Hart Ph.D. wants us to know we’ve been lied to about the effects of cocaine, methamphetamine and other drugs":

"There are — I would almost call them ‘entrenched experts’ — whose professional life and identity depends upon their being recognized as experts in this field"

And consider it in context with what I've written in The Exact Mechanism of Sociopathism. And consider what it means for society, in light of what I've said, that Cocaine is about the healthiest molecule most people can ever put into their body - and that it can permanently cure all Mental Stress ailment, if taken wisely (most psychoses and "incurable depression"s can be cured in mere hours, that otherwise could be expensively treated by a doctor ongoing for years, decades, even a person's whole life).

And consider what it means in context with dopamine being as vital to the human body and brain-functionality as oxygen or water, and significantly more important than food - and with dopamine being what enables or denies a person their chance to succeed in anything, to be able to learn, to move information throughout their brain, and to be able to control and make use of the information they have in their brain.

Related posts:

The Hypocrisy and Dishonour of Institutional Medicine
The Problem with Willed-Determination & Observation Being Authority
1995 World Health Organization Cocaine Report
The Self-Incriminating Foolishness of 'Dopamine as Reward'


Thursday 9 April 2015

A Person is Rightful to Address Their Own Brain In Accordance With Their Own Judgement

That dopamine is already inside a person, and it is their personal property, their potential, a gift from God, and theirs to make use of however they see fit.

The distribution of authority between a brain and a person doesn’t go anywhere before being granted back to the person, because they are one body, and the authority is that of the one person.

Someone who perceives that authority to go from their brain, to a government, through institutions, and then back to the person has submitted themselves into slavery, and is not a real person, because a person is the whole body - not parts of it compartmentalized and acknowledged with conditions.

A person’s body is their natural right, and anyone deigning to over-rule another person’s natural right of existence in any way is a rapist in the full sense of the word, because rape is not a particular action, but is the harmful mechanism that makes particular actions get labelled as rape. That mechanism is to over-power, by force of one’s will, the will of another over their own personal being. That mechanism is rape, and bears the same experience of rape however it is exacted – whether sexually, or mentally - it is all considerations of a person being abused and violated. A person's body is their choice.

The right to engage one’s mind is the first right every human being receives upon birth, and is the most important right. As a person is with their body together as one, and just as a person cannot move their limbs without engaging the muscles and blood and brain to do so, they likewise cannot engage their mind without there being the necessary dopamine to do so - and they also cannot make use of their  other facilities without dopamine. Dopamine is an inescapable condition that is a part of every single human being born and made of flesh.

To discriminate against people because of their own physiological need is well beyond the offence of discriminating based on skin, nationality, gender, or association - because every person is subject to their brain's dopamine to be able to function, succeed, and to be well. Discrimination that is based on a person's vital needs is the greatest of all hypocrisies.

The only person who is capable of judging whether they require additional dopamine to be right in their well-being, or to accomplish what they need to, is each person, for themselves.

It is remarkable that a generation which perceives the value of a person making their own call regarding sexual orientation hasn't already come to the full realization that the fundamental operation of a person's own brain is much more sacred and valuable right than the engagement that involves the exterior of a person.

Know and remember that a criminal is not a person who contravenes a law, but is someone who offends the moral senses. It will never be a crime for a person to take charge of their own body, and a person will never be wrong for it. Those who interrupt a person’s capability to control their own well-being are criminal, and when an organization acts as a whole in a concerted effort to prevent people from doing so, and to persecute people for doing so, they exemplify the full meaning of organized crime.


Wednesday 8 April 2015

Basic Framework for the Personal Addressing of Mental Stress to Treat and Cure its Ailments

Most of this can be expounded upon and articulated a lot further, and an example of personal application and also the significance of it will be written later.

Mental Stress is the consequence from there being a lack of capability to handle the processing of an incoming load of information.

Inadequate dopamine to handle a volume of information is the precise identity of all Mental Stress, and the root cause of all Mental Stress’ emergent ailments.

Below is a listing of the considerations involved in addressing mental stress for the sake of resolving its detrimental influences. 

Mental Stress treatment consideration: Dopamine

Dopamine is the material resource by which all processes in the brain are able to process to completion. Increasing dopamine is increasing a brain’s capability to perform and function all its conscious and subconscious operations. More dopamine equals improved physiological performance, in all ways.

Increasing dopamine is opening the valves of the brain’s neural pathways, through which all conscious and subconscious information is considered (processed), increasing a brain’s capacity to grasp, organize, and resolve the information passing through its neural pathways.

Mental Stress treatment consideration: Adrenaline

Adrenaline has an accelerating effect on the processes in a mind, as it accelerates heart rate, which increases the intervals of force being distributed through all a body’s systems, thereby accelerating the delivery of information to each part, thereby increasing the volume of information that needs to be handled by a brain. Increasing adrenaline is counter-productive to increasing dopamine for the sake of relieving a brain’s workload so that it can work through its backlog.

Mental Stress treatment consideration: Environment

Everything a person does and much of what they don’t so is causing the streaming of information through their brain’s neural pathways. The pathways themselves are not limited in capacity, and their bottleneck is experienced at their synapses, with the dopamine available between them being what determines the volume of information they can handle. Even the things people give no thought to are bearing a value upon their brain’s dopamine budget – the air pressure in a space, the comfort of a room, the belief of what if anything is expected of them. Much of these things come down to a person’s perception, which cannot be changed easily, and is a product of their experiences, which have resulted in their brain considering into a certain synaptic structure, causing information to flow within their brain in a manner that is particular to them.

Mental Stress treatment consideration: Preparatory Mental Relaxation

Whatever uncontrolled processes are ongoing in a person's mind at the time are what will be amplified and accelerated as soon as adrenaline increases. Being as calm and stationary in mind as possible is essential and a core part of resolving Mental Stress ailment via use of a dopaminergic.

Mental Stress treatment consideration:  A dopaminergic medium

What’s used to increase dopamine needs to not influence adrenaline levels, or influence them in a manner that reduces them, or concessionally restrain adrenaline from increasing alongside dopamine’s increase as much as possible.

Mental Stress treatment consideration: A person's pre-existing consideration structure

Incoming information will channel through a person's existing mental structure, which is its neural organization, which is the organization of a mind's considerations, and determines what a person will experience as reaction to anything. This structure can be made to exist in any way, and can be remade in any new way through considering. 

~ I will write more about this at another time

Mental Stress treatment consideration: The involved physics

The pathways of little resistance will become the first benefactors from the augmented dopamine level and their information clutter will be considered into clarity first, while the pathways of most intense duress will bear additional payload from the heightened adrenaline.

It’s a simple matter of rudimentary physics determining the distribution of relief and pressure throughout a directional system containing pre-existing varying resistances.

The principle behind preventing and addressing all Mental Stress ailments:

To increase dopamine availability while preventing adrenaline from rising, while also doing as much as possible to prevent the additional generation of incoming processes for a mind, while keeping the mind relaxed.

Mental Stress treatment consideration:  The movement of considering ( a brief address )

A forward-looking recognition causes information to stream from a premise onward towards a point, and a greater understanding that produces a resolution, which is a truth, which enables everything that has considered to encapsulate to pass as a whole (and as a signal) by evaluating True in agreement with a greater body of coherent information, a greater truth.

When a considering fails, it returns to its premise, (or if the premise is invalidated, its last successful True evaluation) and marks the point of failure and the consideration which caused it to be non-included in the next attempt to resolve its on-hand considerations - and the experience of failure produces a new consideration that changes the equilibrium of things to consider.

A Considering will not stop once it is started. It will complete, or continue in an ongoing failing loop, that disconnects some association between details for each incomplete pass.


Sunday 5 April 2015

Dopamine is a Nutrient and Resource of Greatest Value

Information passes across neural synapses on the principle of transistors in two ways: By the value of Yes / No between its considerations based on how a person has considered themselves, and by the value of True / False depending on whether there is sufficient available dopamine to accomplish the transiting of information across a synapse. Dopamine is the power of True to human thought-capability and human development.

If there is not sufficient dopamine to transit information, that information will not pass. It will also not dissipate - it will linger and clog up neural pipelines until it is cleared by considering through neural pathways, or by a determination that declares its premise resolved. It typically takes a much larger amount of dopamine to force a determination than it does to consider, as the information in a determination that overrules a considering is greater in volume than all the handled-in-piecemeal details of that information's considering.

Solidity and clarity of thought, and grasp over it, is increased by increasing dopamine, and becomes increasingly tenuous as dopamine is reduced.

A person's potential is dependent upon two factors: Their willingness to consider, and their dopamine availability. A person can have the consideration structure and information storage within themselves that knows everything there is to know, and they can have within themselves the fullness of every talent and skill that ever was and will be - but if they have a lack of dopamine, their mind has no means to do anything with it, and their sight of mind will be reduced, with no restriction towards the measure by which it's reduced. The functioning of a person's own senses will also reduce along with dopamine reduction, right down to the negation of their capabilities - if there isn't dopamine to transit information across a synapse, it just won't transit, and will instead be counted in strains and sufferings within the person.

When a signal has no means to process in the brain, yet is imposed with such force that it cannot be restrained in the brain, it can offload to other parts of the body, such as fascia, or muscles, and cause them to bind. That binding is also a memory of the meaning and value of what caused its binding - it is a signal locked into physicality, a transference of energy. These states can also be resolved by increasing dopamine - when their correlating source-pathways are resolved (based in both consideration and dopamine), the defined energy that is the binding in the person can be backtracked through a person exactly as they arrived, and be progressively processed. There is no type of energy that cannot by processed by considering, if it is delivered in a manner that is not overpowering a person's consideration capability. Considering is the processing and reshaping of energy, and every state can be changed into every other state.

Pain in a person greatly reduces their overall mental bandwidth, as pain does not process to resolution, but continually produces in lingering fashion for as long as the source of pain is unresolved - and so it just sits taking up space in the neural pipelines, and the amount which those pipelines are filled with pain is the amount by which that person's mind is reduced in its capability to address its state. Whole portions of perceptive capabilities can be not at a person's disposal in states of pain. Increasing a person's dopamine in such a state is literally opening the valves of their neural pipelines (each synapse being a valve), relieving strain and producing greater management of the pain (reducing the pain significantly), and restoring much access to controlled and aware cognitive functioning in the person.

If the source of a pain is mind-based, then capability to resolve it is dependent upon there being dopamine for the person to engage and work through their mind. Many non-mental pains will be handled by the body better with a doapmine increase that does not also influence other things, like adrenaline. Recovery from surgery, for example - increasing the brain's capability to function, free of stresses, is increasing its proficiency of positive performance in healing.

Dopamine is as vital to human physiology as are oxygen and water, and is significantly more vital than food: A person will live longer without any food than they will without any dopamine; a person will have greater cognitive function with minimal food than they will with minimum dopamine; a person will be physiologically healthier with minimal food than they will be with minimal dopamine; a person will experience less inner suffering due to minimal food than they will due to minimal dopamine; a person will be less well in all ways from minimal food, compared to if they are with minimal dopamine. Dopamine is the foundation and cornerstone on the physical side of human physiological operation.

And as the human brain runs on dopamine, so too does all human society and civilization. As dopamine is the power of True to human potential and capability, for human civilization and individual well-being, dopamine is the God-molecule.
