Wednesday 30 September 2015

The Role of Dopamine in Success, Therapy, and the Myth of Hard Work

In a brain which assembles information only to the extent that there is Dopamine enough to be allocated to the various considerations that need to interact for a task, having ample released Dopamine is prerequisite to accomplishment, and also to forming the ideas that a person would subsequently like, or be willing to pursue.

People who extol  the virtue of hard work do so because it paid off for them, and once someone gets a foothold in success, it is far easier to produce continued and growing success than it is to achieve a first foothold in success. Success can beget success.

What people who only know the experience of their success maybe haven't before acknowledged is that their success, and also their chance to try again for success after a failure, was first granted to them in Dopamine-availability before they experienced conceptualization of the effort which led to their success.

A person succeeds because there was released Dopamine enough to conceptualize, consider and actualize their success. Had a person who exerted all and succeeded been with a bit less released Dopamine in them, they may not have formed the ideas that created their success, or had the energy to see their success through - while a person who doesn't experience success, had they received greater Dopamine release, they would have experienced further and higher quality use of their brain's considerations, and may have achieved success that they didn't recognize as being possible for them, or as being a possibility at all.

And for the person who exerted themselves fully and accomplished a thing, had they more Dopamine, they would have accomplished the same through less exertion of themselves.

"Hard work" is an abstraction, and work is only difficult if a person has limited Dopamine relative to the work requirement of the consideration which they are trying to engage. But for all work that was challenged by having had limited Dopamine to power the consideration required, there is compromise in the final quality of the effort, as consideration which is powered enough to take all things into account at once produces different and greater meaning that consideration that is capable to only take limited parts of a thing into account at once - which is what happens when Dopamine is limited.

Both Consideration and Dopamine can be bottleneck to a person's life, but insufficient Dopamine means decreased realization within a person of their own knowledge and capability, and causes a shroud that prevents a person from being aware regarding their own stifled state.

In sociopaths, lacking Consideration is a bottleneck to their greater possibility. In people suffering Mental Stress, a lack of released Dopamine is their bottleneck, which keeps them from even forming awareness of the elements of their condition so that they might piece together the solution for themselves, and become a whole and strong person again. Therapy which keeps a person from encountering awareness of their own state, and which leads them on in instruction of things they suggestively just ought to commit to and do, is exploitative, manipulating someone who can't know better, and who pretty effortlessly would know better if ever they came into experiencing a greater Dopamine release.

There is a reason why so many of the most successful people in society are greater sociopaths (the recipe for a sociopath being low consideration met with higher Dopamine availability).

With Dopamine, it is easy to shape, reshape and employ belief. Without enough Dopamine, a brain cannot even piece together what belief feels like, or a picture of what it is they want or would try to believe if they knew what belief was, or form a knowing that is the combination of their conceptual accomplishment, and the command to execute belief in the concept's actualization. And with ample Dopamine, a person, once conceptualizing their objective, can use Dopamine to assemble together the knowing of how to manifest its reality.

Having ample released Dopamine does not mean that a person will engage consideration, or engage it in all areas - that's a choice and an act of Will - and a sociopath is someone who has bypassed considering many things which were presented to them. But having ample released Dopamine is pre-requisite for being capable to recognize and engage consideration within their forefront consciousness. Many people who cannot do this, or who feel like they don't know the things that would lead to their success are simply without enough released Dopamine in their brains to witness and experience the awareness which their brain and mind's considerations are actually trying to produce for them. And such a person's life is victim of a False institutional doctrine, and of those who practice and enforce it.

As an aside, there is a lot of False hope peddling therapy being paid for which tries to just convince a person to see things differently, to engage various understandings, and insists to them that certain things are solution, when all those encouragement are limited in effectiveness, even up to entirely useless, depending on the released availability of Dopamine within the person's brain. And for many people, if they had an increased amount of released Dopamine within their brain, they would know genuine solutions for themselves, and have no need or want of 3rd-person guidance - and the guidance delivered by the full environment of a person's own properly communicating considerations will always be the best and most personal guidance they are capable to receive.

A person of ample released Dopamine relative to their little consideration will be very functional, and consequently can accomplish many things. A person of  limited released Dopamine relative to their greater consideration will be limited in what they can accomplish. A person of very constrained Dopamine release relative to large consideration engagement can be stifled into inactivity and incapability, and be left experiencing a thoroughly cloudy and definition-less forefront consciousness that can remain with them indefinitely - many people live years, even their whole lives in a compromised state simply because there wasn't Dopamine enough to get past a certain state of their consideration.

A person cannot easily disengage their consideration: The mind is all-factoring, and everything in a person's mind is built upon everything that came before, to produce the integrity that is their present state of consideration - and all their previous consideration is recorded within their present consideration. The solution for a stifled mind is see consideration through to resolution. And as the signals in the brain are polar and subject to magnetism, and as every next consideration stands upon the previous, and there is commonality shared within their definitions, if Dopamine is increased enough (and as relative to adrenaline's influence), then everything in a person mind and brain will automatically know where to go to produce resolution. There is an element of this auto-assembling which could be dangerous in minds that are considering beyond a person's control in a negative direction.

Having consideration is what produces a person's smarts. But if there isn't Dopamine to power engagement of it, a person can hold the knowing of all things within themselves, and yet not be able to communicate or define any of it within themselves, that they might make use of any of it. A person's considerations are inter-dependent, and they receive their identity as relative, and through experience of each other. The capacity of each consideration grows exponentially with the body of considerations which it communicates within - and so does a person's released Dopamine requirement to make use of it all.

So, less smart people succeed and believe themselves justified by measuring themselves against so many others, who have been stifled into non-competitiveness by the directives of people less smart, and of less good potential than themselves. And so many people of success can often carry a False sense of justification for their success - but so long as success in society is gamed to benefit those who don't consider truthfully (as so leave a trail of abuse), while victimising those who did consider truthfully, there is an element of theft in each person's success, which, as all things, is recorded and measurable to perfection in consideration.

A person succeeds because there was Dopamine enough to conceptualize, consider and actualize their success. And as I said previously, there is no basis of deservingness in how much Dopamine a person has released into their allocatable availability.


Tuesday 29 September 2015

Managing and Increasing Dopamine Can Easily Add Years to a Person's Life and Good Health

Part 1.

Much old-age deterioration ailment is entirely preventable, if a person manages their Dopamine throughout their life.

Just as pain does not process in a brain, but takes up space in a person’s neural network, so also do the states of Mental Stress not process appropriately, due to there being insufficient Dopamine to handle their processing – and all the rest of a person’s life is built upon that stressed condition affecting an area of their brain. Many times, these stressed pathways accumulate as a person grows old, and a person’s end-of-life state is a manifestation of all the things that they didn’t take care of through Considering and Dopamine. A person who does not take control of this is directly investing in their future deterioration.

Some people’s parents undoubtedly cautioned them with the adage “If everyone jumped off a bridge, would you?” Well, advising people away from certain drug use is telling people to jump off bridges, and is culprit in the large volume of Mental Stress ailments in society today, including the conditions of dementia in older people. Unfortunately, most kids, when asked by their parents “If everyone jumped off a bridge, would you?” must have answered, and without any consideration, “Yes! Not jumping off bridges is what bad people do!” And doctors excel in steering people towards jumping off the bridge of their life-long health, by profession.

The human brain runs on drugs: dopamine, opioids, serotonin, adrenaline… and when treatment tries to skirt around or mitigate engagement of those things, it’s consequently no longer trying to treat, but is playing out a façade where practitioners are getting paid for sentiments, placebos, and poisons, while they fail to do anything meaningful or good for people. It’s like they want credit for helpfulness, but they are unwilling to actually do the things that would be of genuine credit to them in this regard. They are just pretenders, hiding in a plain-sight appearance of propriety.

A person can only move along the pathway which their consideration gives them, and the way a person is taught to consider determines the attitude a person will carry – for good or bad. That is why contemporary medical and research professionals are of no use when it comes to providing truthful and genuine health care to society, as these people are dogmatic and ignorant serfs in a capitalistic system that is about which medication will be most profitable if licensed, rather than what will finally resolve these ailments.

Part 2.

I’ve said “Cocaine, which proficiently increases Dopamine while inhibiting Adrenaline, is about the healthiest molecule which most people could ever put into their bodies, literally being the healthier-than-natural release of Dopamine in a person's brain, and can permanently and proficiently cure Psychosis, Depression, and Anxiety, PTSD, and prevent and help cure Alzheimers and other Dementia, and still do a whole lot more for a whole lot of other ailments.”

I’ve also stated that the healthier-than-natural release of a person’s own Dopamine is the full experience of Cocaine, and that it is this Dopamine which is responsible for a person’s mental capacity and physical energy.

And I just said in the previous posting:

If a person can take control of their belief, they can freely give themselves the same continuous positive experience that Cocaine delivers, which is exactly what some sociopaths and highly active people feel as their regular state and think nothing of it.

Many of these things were already known:

(Cocaine causes)… exhilaration and lasting euphoria, which in no way differs from the normal euphoria of the healthy person. You perceive an increase of self-control and possess more vitality and capacity for work. In other words, you are simply normal, and it is soon hard to believe you are under the influence of any drug. Long intensive physical work is performed without any fatigue. This result is enjoyed without any of the unpleasant after-effects that follow exhilaration brought about by alcoholic beverages. No craving for the further use of cocaine appears after the first, or even after repeated taking of the drug.

                                                                                            --  Sigmund Freud, Uber Coca, 1884

All of the above, including the part about no further craving for the drug is true. I will detail the full comprehension of Addiction later, but as I’ve said before, anyone who tells another person that they’re addicted is fully complicit in any habitual behavior that forms. And, logically, every human is born experiencing and depending upon their own Dopamine. If dopaminergics were addictive (and Addiction is an abstract concept, and therefore not possible to be a direct truth to its subject - and everything less than True is False), then every human is born addicted, and only lives every next minute in their earthly life due to their brain properly tending to that “addiction” – which would mean that being addicted is vital to human life, health, happiness, and success. Either all that, or the concept of Addiction is a False one, not understood by those who claim to experience it, or by those who claim to treat it.

At any rate, a person’s released Dopamine availability directs their overall physiological health, their sense of well-being, their work capacity, and their potential for success.

Part 3.

Many people would submit to a sensed need to qualify their condoning of any contentious substance, because their sense of self-worth comes from peer approval, which they take for truth, and not from being counted in the actual truth.

“For all things there is an ordering of considerations” also means that if you skip what’s right, only what’s wrong can follow - which comprehensively describes the state of modern attitudes and practices in institutional and political medicine. So let’s begin with the truth:

- Dopamine is of good benefit. It is as essential as having oxygen to breathe, and water to drink. It provides a person with their capacity to work, and for quality thoughts to produce, that a person might excel. And it also is fundamental to a sense of well-being. Ample released Dopamine is what allows the human brain to properly function and, consequently, delivers health to all the body.

- There are neural connections in a person’s brain that correspond to all areas of a person’s body. When the synapses in the brain are filled with Dopamine, the areas of the body to which they correspond receive benefit in their capability, exactness, strength, healing, and more.

- All Mental Stress (and much physical stress) is Dopamine deficiency within neural pathways which a brain is trying to route and consider signals through, to connect information for a task.

- Any state of Mental Stress within a brain that isn’t resolved becomes an active development factor for all the rest of a person’s life, affecting their physiological functioning. And most old age ailments are the paid for, prescribed, and nurtured product of this.

- If Adrenaline increases, Dopamine’s capability to benefit is counter-acted, and stress states are worsened. Because licensed dopaminergics typically provide an unfavourable Dopamine:Adrenaline release ratio, licensed medicine is generally poison to a person relative to substances that have become illicit in many nations.

- Increasing Dopamine while inhibiting Adrenaline is about the singular healthiest physical act a person can provide their body (beyond breathing and drinking water, and maybe eating food… which contributes to increasing Dopamine), and perhaps more than half of developed ailments in today’s society are preventable, and curable by managing Dopamine needs in a person.

- Cocaine produces the healthier-than-natural release of Dopamine within the human brain (by inhibiting epinephrine/norepinephrine while proficiently increasing Dopamine’s release), and is perhaps the cleanest-acting dopaminergic known to this world, and is also by far the most proficient dopaminergic known: If dopaminergics were classed for their proficiencies from 1 to 5, most licensed medicines would rank as -1 (not a joke) to +1, while some would rank +2, Methamphetamine would rank as +3, and nothing would rank as +4, while Cocaine would sit alone, ranked as +5.

- Ranking dopaminergics on a scale of how healthy they are for a human to take (with 1 being least healthy, and 5 the most healthy) would look about identical. And the higher up the scale in dopaminergic proficiency, the more useful a substance is for authentic treating and curing of dopamine deficiency / Mental Stress emergent ailments.

- By all appearances, analysis, and effect, modern licensed medications are designed to lock ailments in place, while temporarily, very mildly alleviating (sometimes not at all, sometimes worsening) symptoms. Capitalism-driven medicine means the systematic wholesale liquidation of human life and wellness, and has resulted in a large segment of humanity being relegated into livestock status, apart from their recognition and choice.

- In all likeliness, the overall reason behind why there ever was such concerted political propagandising towards Cocaine (though it has become perpetually self-driven) is because it in truth does cure, and cures proficiently (two qualities which are without representation in institutional medicine) – because prohibition certainly wasn’t justified by the reasons put forth in public any more than Marijuana's prohibition was justified by the reasons put forth in the 1936 film Reefer Madness. Both Cocaine and Marijuana's prohibitions were strongly proposed using fears that their availability and use was empowering and encouraging negro populations in society (and so the prohibitions of both have a basis in social engineering).

- There is more genuine curative and preventative power in just Cocaine than exists in all of licensed medicine, combined.

- A person would be prudent and responsible towards their future quality of health and productiveness to make a point of tending to their brain with large and sustained Dopamine increases every so often throughout their life. But what a person does while experiencing an increased Dopamine release is every bit as important as the act itself. There are many people who could easily add many years to their life by managing their stress conditions via proficient Dopamine increases.

Anyone subscribing to institutional doctrine on mental health and ailment development is running in the wrong direction, and away from the truth. And anyone preaching an institution’s conventional doctrine regarding mental health and its treatment is a prescriber of False hope, elongated suffering, lost life experience and potential, and death in general.

The truth is, always was, and will continue to be simple.


Sunday 27 September 2015

Controlled Dopamine Release's Influence in Sociopathism, and for Health

Related post: The Actuality of Dopamine Releases

Dopamine is retained and released within a person for reasons that are entirely not Reward-based, and can be wholly independent of what a person’s consideration, effort, and actions deserve.

Dopamine’s greater release (which is different than allocation of released dopamine) is reflex to a person’s overall considered judgement of themselves. This is why sociopaths, who are of less, or dishonest, consideration have higher dopamine released, which gives them a greater feeling of confidence, and why depressed, and stressed people have lower dopamine released, and are prone to more worrying.

Low consideration is in part responsible for greater unused dopamine-availability, but it also can lead to more dopamine being released into unused availability.

This is in part why sociopaths can carry a False sense of self-justification: While consideration is not appropriately regarded in a sociopath, they can falsify an interpretation of the positive feeling from released dopamine in themselves as reporting to themselves that they’re doing pretty good, and in reaction to that determination regarding themselves, release further dopamine as 'Reward' for already feeling that things are pretty good (And all that is to say that there is a stupidity at work, and a belief in 'Reward' is a determination, and condition of a stupidity which shields a person from considering, that they might become understanding of the truth, and move beyond their ignorant state).

A released-dopamine-based means of self-evaluation is also a source of temperamentalness in sociopaths, as whenever challenges to their consideration experiences like a threat to their released dopamine, even when their forefront mind is completely blank regarding information that’s presented to them and they’re merely sensing delivered emotion, they can interpret the shift in their experienced released-dopamine as a threat against themselves, and can react in twitch anger, aggressiveness, and hostility – all for nothing to do with appropriate or considered reaction, but entirely in defence or retaliation of the sudden drop in their released dopamine, which they feel is a direct report upon themselves, and to be defended by reflex: Makes me feels good = is good / I'm good, makes me feels bad = is threat / other person is bad...

That self-judgement which determines that further dopamine should not be released in a person is also a process, just like any other in the brain, and the residing, or re-allocating dopamine to that determination (that shields dopamine from other processes) is also just another instance like when dopamine is re-allocated from that determination to a different process, or to be freely released to contribute to a person’s well-being. Thinking of dopamine retention as normal storage is a misreading, coming from darkened minds – all things are active processes in the brain, and the hoarding of dopamine into a determined self-judgement can become a very harmful reflex, which reduces the capability of a person to overcoming their self-judgements, as that withheld dopamine would be required to fuel the considering that would bring healthy understanding to such a brain and mind, which would then result in greater dopamine naturally being available to the person, to create a healthy and beneficial sense of well-being.

Similarly, when a person habitually uses dopaminergics and develops a “tolerance” to their increased dopamine release, that adjusting behavior is not correctly understood or communicated by using the term tolerance. When “tolerance” is setting in, a brain and mind are carrying out a person’s self-judgement regarding how good it is right for themselves to feel, in context with the consideration a person has submitted themselves to, and are counter-acting a dopaminergic drug’s circumvention of the mind’s determined self-judgement, and stabilizing things to achieve parity between the self-judgement and the experienced feeling. And as a person might have considered guilt, or other stressful processes into themselves in the course of using dopaminergics, the buoyed outcome of a minds return to stabilization could feel worse than the state that existed before using dopaminergics.

A person should have the healthy understanding that it’s entirely OK to use dopaminergics by their own discretion, and that every human brain fundamentally runs on Natural Cocaine, and that they should not consider negatively regarding use of dopaminergics. This will reduce the taxload on a brain’s dopamine expenditure, and free up additional dopamine budget in a person.

When a person is thirsty and dehydrated, what is the solution, and should they be frightened away from drinking water? And so what is the solution to a dopamine-starved conditions within a brain, which cannot be resolved apart from there somehow becoming available enough dopamine to process all the things that are producing a state of mental stress, and suffering? Experiencing dopamine is as fundamental and natural to human life as breathing air, and obstruction from a person's own self-regulation of their dopamine is tantamount to regulating people's ability to access and drink water, or breathe oxygen.

As a brain wires and re-wires itself according to how a person considers, the ability to release dopamine at will, and to any level desirable, can actually be considered into a person’s full control. When a person feels good in reaction to a 'Reward'-based understanding, that person is falsifying a justification to achieve a greater dopamine release inside themselves, and the effect is identical to a person taking a line of Cocaine, smoking some Crack, and very similar to Methamphetamine (apart from Methamphetamine's greater release of epinephrine). The experience of such a person telling or confirming to themselves that they’ve done good and so allowing themselves that greater feeling of good, is causing the same dopamine to be released as those drugs, and it is producing the same feeling. The only difference is that a Reward-based release occurred through a naive and simple-mindedness, a False determination stemming from limited consideration.

At any rate, dopamine releases within a person not in response to any earned or worked-for deservingness (an abused person has low dopamine release, having done nothing to deserve it - same goes for a sociopath's higher dopamine), but in simple reflex relaxation to a person’s perception about whether things are OK or not - while people's assessments for appropriateness can be absolutely all over the place, without any connection to substantiated appropriateness (so dopamine's release is entirely independent of earning, and its purpose has been  misattributed by people of low consideration). A person’s belief can be with or apart from their greater consideration, and their belief could be negatively constrained by senses within themselves for which the person doesn’t possess enough already-released dopamine to handle and consider into an understanding, that an evaluation of deservingness might come around. Dopamine's release is required ahead of all evaluation for evaluation to take place.

If a person can take control of their belief, they can freely give themselves the same continuous positive experience that Cocaine delivers, which is exactly what some sociopaths and highly active people feel as their regular state and think nothing of it.

Every person exists in their life at some placement on a gradient of dopamine-induced well-being / dopamine-lacking suffering that ranges between absolute horror and pain, all the way up to absolute strength, confidence, and a feeling of ecstasy exuding from every cell within their body. Presently, those of greater well-being have seen to it that those of suffering be kept in the demographic of suffering, while their states also receive capitalistic, mental, and emotional exploitation from many sides.


Thursday 24 September 2015

Consideration Normalizes a Mind, Determinations Polarize a Mind

I’ve previously said that consideration is a scaffolding that gives definition to emotion – so consideration becomes conduit for emotions, and normalizes a mind, while determinations, which reduce connectivity between considerations, polarizes a mind.

A person’s power of choice lies in the connection between their considerations. The choice is whether to open the pathway, or not. A choice to open is a choice of Yes to consider along that pathway, while a different choice, or a choice to ignore or resist moving in a direction of thought is a choice of No towards considering that pathway.

When a person removes connectivity, they decrease their ability to make articulate choices. And because a person doesn’t lose their experience through reducing connectivity between considerations, they retain their full sense of conviction, and they end up having feelings for which they don’t possess landing points within their consideration.

Consequently, a person’s feelings polarize between nodes of concentrated consideration, and when a person engages such a node, they draw in more consideration than is appropriate for a situation, and this is the impulsiveness that is associated with sociopathism.

Additionally, for things which a person hadn’t ever before considered (that they would have gained the experience that would develop conviction), the person has no understanding by which they could express their feeling (which could contain hope, want, desire...), and so they convey that undefined feeling as ambiguous sentiment.

Also, because through considering and placement into consideration is the means by which a thing receives evaluation, where sentiments have not entered into consideration, they remain non-evaluated for their truthfulness. A person might choose to form determinations in order to falsify sentiments into passing as truths, due to not knowing what considering is, or how to consider, or for the sake of being afraid of losing what they think is valued about a sentiment - including losing justification for a belief, the premise for which isn’t substantiated as truthful in their consideration.


Another aspect of centralized rather than normalized consideration is that confronting areas of non-considered or contradictory consideration in a person requires a lot of work on their brain's part, for it to produce the accurate picture of what is being spoken of - and every new consideration development required in the calculation of this work requires an allocation of dopamine to enable the synaptic connection between the involved considerations to open, which allows the consideration following the opening to evaluate as True, and be useful for further substantiating the concepts required to gain understanding of the matter.

When some presented consideration challenges clumps of consideration that have been determined within a person, it might antagonize a fundamental part of person's intrinsic sense of well-being, which comes from their dopamine-availability, by allocating that dopamine-availability for work. Some people might react defensively or dismissively in response to experiencing a drop in their dopamine-availability that is uncommon to them.


Sunday 20 September 2015

There is Only One Truth, and It is Acting in All Things and at All Levels

"Before many-worlds, reality had always been viewed as a single unfolding history. Many-worlds, however, views reality as a many-branched tree, wherein every possible quantum outcome is realized." - Many-worlds interpretation

In the post The Meaning of "Will > Considering > Reason" and Automatic Considering, I wrote:

"So in the end, the Considering experiences Reason and resolves. The Will that was used to initiate the Considering is required no more, and its power of choice is restored to the one from which it came... but an imprint of it remains with the newly formed Consideration, and is a permanent part of its definition and being. The newly formed Consideration also becomes a lasting part of the Will that considered it into being - and so the one is in the other, with each being a part of each other".

And in the post The Considering of Waves and Rings:

"When everything fully considers everything else, the final result is All in All, where everything is a portal to everything else, and everything is accessible from all directions".

Part of existence being all-factoring means that every part of existence receives its identity only as relative to all other parts. That means that every segment of anything, every consideration, bears within itself the definitions of all other things, and that all other things are a part of the definition of any one piece.

Everything contains within its definition the consideration of all other things, and so everything can be a portal to everything else, which is what I've written as the Meaning for Psycheparous.

Everything the study of Quantum Mechanics searches to understand is Reason, and what I've been speaking of. But while Quantum Mechanics searches from the position of not knowing, and of being an outside observer, I speak from knowing, and from having the full truth with me. Everything I read of Quantum Mechanics, I know the full truth regarding.

There is only the language of considerations, the language of Reason, the language of Truth, and rather than there being a difference between a local reality and quantum reality, it is the same everywhere, at every level. There is this, and there is no other.

Here is a gathering of many of the things I have spoken regarding Reason, the truth, and considerations:

All things are made of considerations

A consideration is a quantum of Mind, and a quantum of truth

Consideration is what creates sight of mind

Considering is the streaming of considerations, in which the very end of one is the very beginning of the next

Difference is the state of there being context, and context is a bridge of information that can be traversed by considering

Belief creates context between considerations, that their differences can be considered into one state

All things are made by considering

The difference between any two states is a defined set of considerations, and every state can be changed into every other state

Considering resolves when it experiences Reason

When a considering resolves, it forms a 'This Is' declaration, and applies back into the mind which considered its truth, and that mind gains in dimension, truth, sight - and its considerations increase in definition

In Reason all considerations are as One, and in Reason all things Are

Because of Reason, the state of one thing necessarily means the states of all the rest

To a person who has the truth in themselves, all things are known by believing in the truth they possess

Just as everything less than True is False, so also everything that is not Good is still existing in Evil

There is no truth to a lone consideration

A determination divides and separates one portion of considerations from the rest, saying 'if these, than not the rest' (A determination is a 'This' statement made upon limited consideration / a determination is a choice to not consider beyond a certain point)

A determination disjoints, fractionalizes, and reduces consideration, and so reduces the presence of truth

A lone consideration has no Value, Meaning, Purpose or Point

A person who is without the truth in themselves cannot produce truth through their observation or determinations

There is no observation in the truth, and observation is subjective, reflecting only a person's own consideration, and so creates an infinite negative loop when that observation is believed in as a determination

A determination is a falsification

Belief in a determination creates and hastens sociopathism, and leads to destruction

The Meaning of Consideration
The Combining of Considerations Forms Dimensional Space
Reason's Primary Principle - Everything Necessarily Means Everything-Else
The Universe Marks a Singularity
Hope & its Meaning
The Meaning of Reason
What a Concept Is
With Reason
The Meaning of "Will > Considering > Reason" and Automatic Considering
All Things Are Made of Considerations
Substantiation of Truth
All Things Are Known
The Concept of Eternity
Of Considerations, and Considering
The Considering of Waves and Rings
Being All-Factoring
A Considering Versus A Willed-Determination

I am not the only person to have spoken about these things from a position of knowing them:

I have spoken: "All things are made of considerations" / "Belief comes before possibility and creates possibility" / "Belief creates context between considerations" /  "All consideration exists in Reason" / "Reason is the Mind of God"

Jesus has spoken: "All things are possible for him who believes" / "with God all things are possible"

I have spoken: "There is no truth to a lone consideration" / "There is no truth apart from context" / "A consideration is a quantum of Mind, and a quantum of truth" /  "The greatest Truth is all considerations evaluating True, in all ways and in all directions, without resistance between any"

Jesus has spoken: "I am the Way, the Truth, and the life" / "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them"

Truth is one consideration passing its full self to another without force nor resistance.

I have spoken: "Reason is the How, Why, and Way of a thing" / "Truth is one consideration passing its full self to another without any resistance" / "Reason is eternal" / "The greatest Truth is all considerations evaluating True, in all ways and in all directions, without resistance between any"

Jesus has spoken: "I am the Way, the Truth, and the life"

I have spoken: "All things are made of considerations" / "Considering is the streaming of considerations, in which the very end of one is the very beginning of the next" / "When a considering resolves, it makes a 'This Is' declaration, and applies back into the mind which considered its truth, and that mind gains in dimension, truth, sight" / "Everything is either ascending or descending"

Jesus has spoken: "Whoever has will be given more, but whoever does not have, even the little they possess will be taken away from them"

Whoever has and engages consideration will gain consideration. Whoever does not engage what consideration they have is making a choice of No towards their consideration, and will lose what little of it they have.

I have spoken: "Observation is subjective" / "A determination is a falsification" / "All things are made of considerations" / "When a considering resolves, it makes a 'This Is' declaration, and applies back into the mind which considered its truth, and that mind gains in dimension, truth, sight - and its considerations increase in definition" / "Reason makes a thing real"

Jesus has spoken: "The kingdom of God comes not with observation. Neither shall they say, See here! or, see there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you."

Everything that Jesus spoke of is Reason, and can only be understood by considering in belief. Quantum Mechanics speaks from the position of not having the truth - I speak from the position of knowing the truth. What is based in observation is from the outside.

"You study the scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life."

Everything that Quantum Mechanics seeks to know, from the standpoint of being False, was already described, from the standpoint of One who is True.

Belief is a 'This Is' declaration, and is what creates pathway for considering, and provokes considering. A Mind is always considering towards its greatest belief.

In the end, every life will add up to a Yes or a No. Everything less than True is False. Everything less than Good is Evil. Everything less than Yes is No. Everything less than aiming for the Kingdom of God (which is Reason, and in which all are equal and as one) is deviating towards Self.

Life is the ongoing movement of considerations. To find eternal life, a person should progressively align their consideration towards the one place it exists. Every choice aligns or strengthens the polarity of considerations. No choice is idle.

I have spoken: "The Will by which a thing is considered is the Will that is returned at the end of the considering" / "In the end, every life will add up to a Yes or a No" / "If there was full separation between any considerations (such as a person, a mind, a thought, a cell) and other consideration, the two wouldn't be observable within the same reality. The universe wouldn't experience the other, and the other wouldn't experience the universe. They would be two separate existences, not aware of each other and not able to experience each other - and so exerting no influence upon each other. They would pass right through each other without effect, and each would be to the other as if non-existent" / "Combining one consideration with another creates a new consideration, that of their relationship, and adds dimension, while also separating one consideration from another removes consideration, and diminishes dimension by which information can flow within each individual consideration, and reduces the overall capability of those disparate considerations. If separation is made between considerations there forms a chasm, a dimensional gulf between which information cannot travel across"

Jesus has spoken: "And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us" / "But the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth" / "There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day"

A determination is a choice to not consider some considerations, and carries the Will of No within it, which is given to those things that were not considered. By a person's determinations, they condemn themselves.

I have spoken: "All things are made of considerations" / "All considerations exist in Reason" / "Reason is the Mind of God" / "When Reason experiences, it forms a 'This Is' declaration" / "A mind is constantly considering towards its greatest belief" / "Life is the ongoing movement of considerations"

Jesus has spoken: "Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God" / "He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, because he considers all people to be alive to him"

A consideration is a word, and "in the beginning was the word". In Reason, all considerations are equal and evaluate as True and as One. A person gains eternal life by having all consideration with them, in the ordering that is True. They will consider themselves into ordering according to a person's belief.

When a person has separated themselves from the consideration that produces real life, they will be alone, in darkness, and without life - "there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth".

I have spoken: "A determination is a falsehood by nature"

Jesus has spoken: "For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven" / "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children" / "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven"

No one who depends on their determinations for justification is justified. Children are free of determinations, until they learn them by the sociopathic conduct of their parents, and the society their parents have helped to create.

Everything that Jesus spoke of is Reason, and can only be understood by considering in belief. Quantum Mechanics speaks from the position of not having the truth - I speak from the position of knowing the truth. What is based in observation is from the outside, and is without knowing.

"You study the scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life."

Everything that Quantum Mechanics seeks to know, from the standpoint of being False, was already described, from the standpoint of One who is True.

I will explain some of the things which those who speak regarding Quantum Mechanics have puzzled over, and maybe correct some of their mistakes.


Saturday 12 September 2015

On Sociopathism / Psychopathism's Detection & Presence in Society

This is a list that I’ve referenced before: The Top 10 Jobs That Attract Psychopaths

And its subject is one which I had fully resolved before this book was published, though I presumed that people would not be willing to hear the truth of the matter, because in this case, reality entirely flips a lot of conventional viewpoints of society, and the sources of many societal issues, upside-down.

Through considering, I received knowing of the exact mechanism and behaviour which produce the traits that have been presumed as typifying what this condition is, and how those things were producing those traits, and also how deadened spaces seen in brain-imaging were forming - and therefore could know exactly what sociopathism / psychopathism is, and with clarity see everywhere that it is acting. And it is acting in a lot more people than just those displaying these outward traits (which aren’t necessary for sociopathism / psychopathism to be present), and in those whose brains reveal dead areas during imaging.

Although the list here mentions Doctor as being among one of the lesser profiles for psychopaths, they are actually among the more psychopathic. It's a matter of circumstances that this person's research led to their conclusion to the contrary. It is easy to appear empathetic when a job is to address others' needs, and the professional is well compensated to be able to comfort their own lives, and put in a position of control and authority, while also receiving heightened social status. But those things obscure a true reading of the situation, and consideration of all the details point to a different conclusion entirely.

For all things there is an ordering of considerations

There are two fundamental way in which a mind and brain develop ailment: by the manner which a person considers (as a brain wires and re-wires itself according to how a person considers), and secondly, from lack of that which powers the consideration structure that is formed (which is dopamine). So there are ailments which are based in sociopathic consideration, and ailments which are based in dopamine deficiency. And between these two elements, nearly every developed malady and malfunction throughout the whole brain and body can be produced.

But consider which comes first – dopamine, or the consideration structure which comes first, for dopamine to power. So if there exist ailments of dopamine deficiency in society, mustn’t there first have existed those of sociopathism? And to whatever extent dopamine deficiency exists in society, mustn’t sociopathism exist to a greater extent, if its influence is able to overcome people’s consideration to the point that their dopamine availability and distribution is harmfully impacted?

In some ways, sociopathism and dopamine deficiency are polar opposite conditions (though both can be, and many times is, present in one brain at the same time) – and the latter emerges due to prior encounter of the former. But presently all dopamine deficiency ailments are being treated by those of higher sociopathic disposition, who already in the past effectively blocked out the solutions for the latter of dopamine deficiency from consideration, therefore leaving for consideration only what cannot possibly produce a truthful solution.

Consider how prevalent dopamine deficiency ailments are: depression, psychosis, anxiety, ADD/ADHD, and plays a huge role in more, like autism, dementia.

Despite their mass prevalence, ailments of sociopathism are necessarily even much more prevalent than are ailments of dopamine deficiency - but sight of them is obscured, because those of its disposition have historically based their judgement of their personal worths by relative appearance of propriety, and in ignorance rationalized why it is they are justified in their successes while others exhibit undesirable traits, and dwell in less desirable circumstances - by concocting false doctrines and theories about those dispositions which they have not been of. And it is those utterly false doctrines which are still chiefly employed today.

All things, including time, people, situations, possibilities… everything that is made, is produced through considering. And just as everything is said to have a frequency, everything is considering. Considering is literally straight-forward, and as I’ve said, the Will by which a thing is considered is the Will that is returned at the end of the considering.

That means, put garbage in, get garbage out, and that every considering based in a determination will end in a falsehood. And every considering that stems from a determination is failed before it begins.

By blocking from truthful and objective consideration the centre-piece of dopamine deficiency, the failure of curing its ailments in society has been assured – and instead of them becoming vanished from society, their presence grows each year, and trillions of dollars worth of industries have been built up around precisely not curing them.

Sociopaths have first created dopamine deficiency and its ailments, and then denied (even criminalized and demonized) their curing, and then built industries and institutions around “treating” them through ineffective, palliative-care, false-hope peddling means.

‘Reward’ is a rationalization (and an abstraction, and therefore obviously not a truth to its subject), and possibly the most heinous moral failure in the history of the human race, and its victims possibly outnumber those from any other evil human act in history. And because of it, there is no empathy within institutional medicine for those who need dopamine deficiency's cure.


Friday 11 September 2015

Resolution of Socioathism, and Overview of its Influence in Society

Preface: The Exact Mechanism of Sociopathism (and other posts)

Sociopathism is the movement of mind that causes considerations to collapse into a determination (a determination being a falsification).

As the brain wires and re-wires itself according to how a person considers, and as dopamine is what enables signals to cross synapses, and a quantum of work-potential, a reduction of consideration can lead to an increase in unallocated dopamine-availability. In turn, as dopamine is what powers a person’s synaptic-connections, which represent the considerations a person has, this high free availability means increased functionality in a person for their remaining considerations which they are willing to engage.

And as any action – be it physical movement, mental processing, decision making, is dependent upon signals passing through neural pathways to consider, choose, and enact those things, having higher free dopamine-availability means having greater energy – while having less free dopamine-availability means having less energy, and less capacity to work, and to succeed, and will leave a person more prone to many health issues.

So, this means much higher functionality in people of lower consideration – due to that lower consideration resulting in higher unallocated dopamine-availability. Although, in a person with higher consideration, increasing their dopamine-availability will raise their functionality and capacity for work and success – and because they have much higher consideration, they have much more potential for great accomplishment than a person of lower consideration. Their consideration that would substantiate accomplishment only need to be sufficiently powered.

Also, a consideration is a quantum of truth. Those with less will be less truthful – though more obstinate in their belief that they are justified in however they are, and what they do. Because consideration is what creates sight-of-Mind, lacking consideration leaves a person blind.

And because dopamine is what powers a brain’s synapses, which represent the considerations of a person’s mind, a person whose considerations are not receiving power will lack a sense of meaning (as meaning is produced by the context of considerations), while a person with higher free dopamine-availability will, sense greater meaning from their lesser consideration, and will have much higher drive to be active. Because all institutional medicine is tailored towards the perceptions of Sociopathism, those who are more considering are forcefully pushed, by falsification, into a position of non-functionality, dependency, and incapability to work at parity with others.

A Sociopath is patently non-objective in their perception. Without possessing the consideration that substantiates truth, they are ineligible to possibly be objective. However, because they lack truthful substantiation for what is truly right, they are instead objective-driven in addition to being detached from consideration.

The human brain is simple in operation, and all the things which institutional medicine and academic science labour over are exceedingly simple problems with straight-forward solutions (and they must be, because the truth is the only thing that adds up perfectly). The real problem is that the handling of these things has all been centralized into the domain of Sociopaths, those who lack truthful perception, those who are driven by 'Reward', or Self-benefit (rather than unveiling the truth), and those who justify themselves by their status relative to others, their determinations – for lack of having the substantiation of truth within themselves.

While Sociopaths labour over what they do not have understanding of, I’ve produced full resolution before any of them have even grasped a sense of what is behind it all. And I didn’t resolve it just now – I merely just now settled my anger over it enough to actually type it. And when my anger settles more regarding further things, I will also type those things, which I already know.

Also, the near-totality of the matter of all depression, and much other ailment, is contained herein.

But read what was said by the USA government in response to the 1995 World Health Organization Cocaine report:

The United States Government considered that, if WHO activities relating to drugs failed to reinforce proven drug control approaches, funds for the relevant programmes should be curtailed.”

Non-objective in rejecting the study's information and its meaning towards what’s right for human health care, but instead objective-driven:

Despite the truth of the subject of human health and Cocaine’s relative meaning to human health being being of one thing, an alternative-to-the-truth direction is instead the preferred way to go (therefore testifying that the alternative is invalid in the face of truth and reality, and to those who abide by the alternative as enemies of the truth, what's right, and what's good).

Also, though it likely needs no pointing out, "proven drug control approaches" is a blatant falsehood by any rational measure, given that usage, availability, and purity/potency for virtually all substances has increased year over year since the 1970's "war on drugs" commenced.

The ailments relating to the objective-driven non-objectiveness of political and institutional medicine are not especially ailments of natural occurrence, but are of a coerced and continuing design.

And those employing licensed treatments of sufferers of these things generally have no qualifications to do so, and certainly are without experience or the consideration that would render themselves of any worth to the truth regarding these matters. In truth, their acceptance and practice of a False doctrine has seen them unwittingly enter into the role of professional mass-murderers (or professional mass manslaughterers, if that suits their comfort more – and indeed that term does well to emphasize their sheer intellectual incompetences, which are flying in the face of all their credentials), complicit and fundamental in the liquidation of minds and lives, with profit and benefits flowing to those more Sociopathic in society.

Likewise, all institutional medicine is, at its roots, palliative-care, capitalism driven, and is not intending to provide authentic cures and best solutions. It is comprehensively objective-driven, and not substantiating of truth. If the truth had been looked for, it would have been found.

The truth is always simple. It is lacking it, and also trying to work around it, that convolutes everything.
