Tuesday 20 October 2015

Sociopathism and Dopamine Deficiency Can Invoke Each Other's Behaviours

This is something I've wanted to mention for a long time, but haven't brought into things yet. And I'm still not going to talk about it much right now.

But what is the difference between not having particular consideration within a person, and a person having that particular consideration within themselves, but not have enough released dopamine to handle its engagement alongside the engagement of all other consideration they're engaging?

A sociopathic and a non-sociopathic person might do same and similar things, but for entirely different reasons. So, even more so, a person with dopamine deficiency may again appear to portray similar and same behavioural habits as a sociopathic person, but with entirely different cause behind the behaviour. The sociopathic person is unwilling to consider for the good of another, or what inconveniences them. A person with dopamine deficiency hasn't the energy to do (in thought, choice, or in action) the things that a sociopathic person would has the energy to do, but isn't willing to consider the actualization for.

A person cannot accomplish what exceeds their dopamine budget's allowance - it forms the ceiling of their capacity. A person's brain accessing considerations to experience their meaning, and assembling them for action is done through dopamine's availability. If dopamine's availability isn't there to do those things, then those things will not occur.

It should not be underestimated just how much dopamine deficiency incapacitation can resemble uncaring sociopathism. But the person incapacitated by dopamine deficiency suffers within themselves from their own incapacity, and doesn't even have dopamine enough to produce understanding of why, or to express themselves outwardly, and might well feel guilt that creates all kinds of mental processes that weigh down upon their dopamine budget even more.

One example of sociopathism invoking the behaviour of dopamine deficiency, is a person who generally is not willing to consider, and therefore has not built up the considerations, represented by the synaptic connections within their brain, to process certain information.

Then, if that certain information is presented to them, and their subconscious brain perceives its meaning and tries to consider its resolution, that can make the person's brain hurt, or strain, because the person's less-developed consideration regarding the details of that subject means that there is more work to be accomplished on the spot to be able to conceptualize the components needed for that work, and to gain its answer's knowing.

All that greater work requires greater dopamine to accomplish, and the person not used to considering much will experience the sudden drop in their free unallocated dopamine as a strain within their brain. And maybe they will even blame the source of the information for their sudden discomfort, as if presenting information to them to be considered were an abuse.

Sociopathism is prevalent in society, and addressing it is much more frequently a matter of 'regarding which things is there sociopathic conduct within a particular person's brain' rather than a question of 'is a person sociopathic or not'. But to the extent that a person is reward-oriented, they are also sociopathic.

I've hoped that people who may read this blog seeking answers to their own conditions would not be led to mistaken conclusions regarding what may be the cause of their own state.


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