Thursday 11 August 2016

Article: Study suggests laziness is related to high intelligence (& curing a psychosis)

Article: Study suggests laziness is related to high intelligence

The other side to this, is that the more work a brain is doing, the bigger the drain on dopamine-availability, and dopamine-availability is the source for a person's energy. A person with lower dopamine will become lethargic, and every action they make will require more effort than a person who has higher dopamine available to them.

A person who does not do much considering is not taxing their brain's dopamine-availability, and consequently has more available dopamine to be used to direct things like physical movement, which is produced by signals considering through a brain, just like creative thought, although it is a much less intensive form of work for a brain.

Related to this study's recognition is what I talked about in this much earlier blog post:
Correction of a Dopamine Study's Conclusion on Willingness to Work vs Regional Dopamine

Also, this matter is the very same subject as why highly creatively-talented people so often struggle with mental disorders.


Also, as considerations are polar, and considering cannot be stopped unless it is resolved somehow, either by considering a truth to its completion, or by falsifying its resolution via a determination, and as making a determination itself, even though it ends up freeing up more dopamine, requires a larger amount of dopamine to enact than does continuing considering, people who have engaged consideration of many things often cannot get out of the considering of their own will, because they no longer have enough dopamine available to apply a concept as true that engages all their active considerations simultaneously and and gives them reason to no longer consider.

Also, this is why dopamine-deficiency states like Autism are so vulnerable to environmental stimulation: The environment is causing considering in the sufferer's brain which they don't have dopamine enough to control, or to stop, and so the signals are being pulled through their brain with force, and causing great pain, exhaustion, and confusion.

However, if anyone who does not have enough dopamine-availability to take full control over their brain only increase their dopamine-availability (while restraining other effects, like adrenergic influence), this becomes much more easy to do.

For example: If a person is experiencing painful considering that they can't get ahold of, such as in the case of a psychosis, and they, after doing the best to relax their mind as much as possible, then take a large amount of 100% pure cocaine, and just be idle, all the many different things that are considering in their brain will start catching one another, and they'll start assembling into bigger pictures which then resolve, and the person will be completely lifted right out of their psychosis, into their fully-cured state. With 100% pure cocaine, this can be done in 30 minutes - 2 hours, reliably, if all the other things which I've said to accommodate are also regarded - some of those things are included in these past posts:

Basic Framework for the Personal Addressing of Mental Stress to Treat and Cure its Ailments
A Crash-Course in the Basics for Truth-Based Human Health Treatment

I can go into further detail about this, but what's first important to know is that is that institutional doctrine concerning mental stress ailments, dopamine, and criminalized substances such as cocaine, or methamphetamine, is a deliberate work of fiction, designed to steer all considering away from reaching the truth of the matters of mental-stress ailments, their authentic cure, and also the same regarding the truth of general human physiology, human confidence and success.

Even if those who practice it are unwitting of it, institutional medicine's teaching is to maintain profits and a societal leverage, but is entirely contradictory to the truth. So, a person cannot do what's right and truth-based while also adhering to an institution's doctrine - it is impossible, since the two are aligned towards completely obtuse ends.


But if all the other things I've said about mental relaxation and preparation before doing something with a dopaminergic substance are not regarded, then it is possible to make an ailing situation worse, because a person's experience within their brain is like an internal-combustion engine, where the person's own controlled activity is the spark at the top of the piston's cycle, and each time a person does anything with their mind, they cause the spark-plug to fire, which propels the cylinder to go for another cycle, and complete another cycle of work.

The choice of the person is whether to do anything the next time that piston reaches up to it with the consideration it has gained in its travel through a cycle, or whether to be still and let it pass by without engaging it. A person can become locked in engaging that piston as it reaches up to them for potential input, once the work that is being carried in the cycle holds a greater True evaluation within it than the person's own self-belief, as then their own control will evaluate False against the carried True determination of the work.

If a person doesn't do anything with that work, neither rejecting it, making a determination upon it, or modifying it, and they open the pathway of their own choice to let it pass through, it will progressively consider in the gentle belief of the whole being True (the considerations of that work and the person allowing it to be considered), until all the work's involved considerations are routed where they belong to fulfill the picture of that full True.

But if a person doesn't have enough dopamine-availability to control their own composure as this happens, each cycle of work can force a determination upon the person's own control over themselves, and the state can become worse, or be a long-lasting affliction.

But what's different between a human's brain and an internal-combustion engine, is that, while an internal-combustion engine has the one spark-plug at the top of a work-cycle, which propels the cylinder all the way around its route of travel, in a brain, there are many spark-plugs, and the person who controls their body is just one of many considerations which each have their own Yes or No choice to make regarding the things that consider through them. All those other considerations with a person's brain are living, and they experience just as the person with their full forefront consciousness does.

But the hope of all the considerations in a body is to fulfill the full person, so that all may reason into one full human, and they do whatever they see as leading towards the greatest truth (and so they obey a person's belief). When a person's belief is influenced by fear, they informs those considerations in a manner which will reciprocate the pain and division of that fear back to the leading consideration. It is entirely possible for relations between considerations in a body to break, whether accidental or not, and for their True evaluations to become antagonist towards one another.

But by increasing dopamine, and through gentle considering, all discrepancies can be resolved, and an ailing state can be healed.

A person should not ever fight with their considerations, but learn to consider them, which is what they wish. And any opposition by a person towards their own considerations will cause those considerations to reflect that antagonistic belief back to the person who is the leading consideration, and worsen the internal state of that mind and body, overall.


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