Thursday 20 March 2014

Rationalization for the Stated Mental Stress Identity, and Some Comment Regarding Dopamine

Further down is the comment regarding dopamine. The Mental Stress rationalizations here have some additionals, somewhere - I'll post any significant ones I come across. The identity I gave, which should be the identity, will no doubt seem instinctively unlikely to some people who've been studying dopamine brain-effects for duration using the 'Reward' concept - but this would have never been compatible with the Reward label (which itself is not compatible with what it's being applied to - regarding both social and consumer interactions), and so it's not entirely surprising that it has been lying somewhat in the open without being pieced together. Btw, that piecing-together would be Reasoning, which is attributed to the prefrontal-cortex region - but, while a type of calculated reasoning is definitely accomplished through that area, I think there exists another form of reasoning, and that natural, automated reasoning is anterior insula enabled and provided, and maybe also there self-assembling prior to be run through frontal regions.

Mental Stress:

I've a list of reasons why Stress should be exactly this, and nothing extra. These are some I responded with to someone who didn't appreciate the premise:

- People befitting full Psychopath qualification experience significantly less, to no stress, compared to the average person. The difference between one Psychopathic and someone not, is the psychopath has shallow ability to empathize, and their consideration and comprehension of things is much smaller, while their critical-thinking -regions dopamine regulation is high. Their low emotional/consideration skills are anterior insula brain-region dopamine marked. Even though their prefrontal-cortex/striatum dopamine is typically non-challenged by the extent and detail of consideration determined by anterior insula qualities, the fact that they have an unusually-low ability to consider and comprehend means that their typical surplus of prefrontal/striatum dopamine can come under exhaustion in moments where such people are imposed with having to actually work something out, because their understanding of the factors of whatever-subject-is-imposed is, of course, low, and that makes them have to do a lot more work to reach conclusion on that subject than does a typical person, who has a more developed pre-existing comprehension to start thinking from - and in those momentary situations, those Psychopathic can still become stressed.

The above, all on its own, is a near-proof, and I'm surprised it hasn't been picked up on before and put to use - but, then again, this first requires my dopamine re-labeling information, from a few posts back, so I suppose that could be why the observation has gone non-utilized, in this manner.

- Also, stress-states progressively increase with higher anterior insula dopamine levels over the following type, and stress-states progressively decrease with higher prefrontal-cortex and striatum dopamine levels over anterior insula's. Really just a different framing of the previous example of Psychopathy, but it gives a further straight-forward and clear picture.

- Stress is a dynamic that occurs in cases of mental duress, affecting critical-thinking regions. That characteristic should be similarly identifiable in whatever sums up its cause. The dopamine in the critical-thinking regions is a parallel to it, and this dopamine is uniquely regulated, specifically, I'm personally stating, due to their volume-needs being dependent upon values set within other brain-regions - while other, non-regulated regions simply match dopamine to their internally-available information levels. Both the dopamine and the stress emerge under same circumstances, and their qualities seem presenting of equal prediction of stress tendencies in an individual.

- Unless there exist two separate core stress sources, and personal and academic research don't look like such is alluded to, in my reading, this is it. Resolving and tactfully boosting this one keeps stress from emerging, at all. If there's a second source, it's not showing when this is prevented. Further, there doesn't need to be a second, with this. Everything fits in here.

- My own "untreatable", now treatable ailment (essentially the reason why I'm involved with any of this), is purely stressed-created, and stress-furthered. I can say that high amounts of this dopamine directly and exactly reverse the progressed conditions of the ailment - and from this I held that this dopamine was an anti-stress for a while already. But there are considerations, and treating stress-ailments with dopamine isn't going to work - due to epinephrine, which will antagonize and worsen the stress-conditions while the dopamine could otherwise improve them - though there is way to make things work despite that paradox. If I can dependably treat a worst-case (probably ever) of stress ailment, dependably, then that's significant, and any debate would have to find why the still-dependable results work - and the fact that they work would hold the same significance, regardless.

- More stuff about behavior of stresses, how long they linger and what that would relate to, and other points, should I locate them.

- Just putting this now-thought out here: A stress occupies its thought-pipeline for a lingering, and uncertain duration, and is stressing for the length of that duration. I'm unaware if other brain-regions demonstrably hold onto thought for an indefinite time, or are capable of it, but this would happen in the prefrontal-cortex, where a thought can be mulled over for as long as a person determines. In the case of stress, it's not a personal choice (though, neither is mulling, frequently), and what I'd say would be keeping it there clicks strongly with a previous specific observation I've had regarding brain-processing habit and also incapability - and maybe also the theorized behaviour of stress I've given, presenting it as a damaged molecular compound (btw, I hold no estimated likeliness that that is the actual behaviour, but I'm piecing together observations and knowledge of their effects - and I have more to add to it at a later time).

- Furthering that, addressing stress 


The re-labeling dopamine should be decently agreeable, and I've seen other publication use the 'Reward' status as only so-called. It's not mentioned in that blog posting, but the same non-Rewardness of dopamine action in social affirmation is true of consumer interactions - though the psychology is a bit different.
That re-labeling makes all the difference in the world - or in conclusions, medicine applications, and how and what research is done. It's already been essential.

Stress' identity was instantaneously known after correcting this, which itself was quickly understood to be different than the convention, due to my pre-ailment experience, my extensive painful ailment experiences, and what was learned through far too many years of suffering.

Later, I'll post my different analysis and conclusions of a semi-recent study that was done using the Reward convention, and the conclusions, just by that, are very different, with very different implications, applications and attitudes. The label-corrected version is a lot more sensible, with solid and beneficial applications, while the Reward version seems more anecdotal, with little direct-use, and their 'why's are seemingly ethereal.

Also, some previous studies I've had a retrospective look at make a whole lot more sense after these understandings replace the convention, and those studies' conclusions become automatically very improve-able. I'm sure untold people have been affected by this misnomer, with many deaths being a cause, and multitudes of people not getting the treatment they needed - and more.


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