Sunday 27 September 2015

Controlled Dopamine Release's Influence in Sociopathism, and for Health

Related post: The Actuality of Dopamine Releases

Dopamine is retained and released within a person for reasons that are entirely not Reward-based, and can be wholly independent of what a person’s consideration, effort, and actions deserve.

Dopamine’s greater release (which is different than allocation of released dopamine) is reflex to a person’s overall considered judgement of themselves. This is why sociopaths, who are of less, or dishonest, consideration have higher dopamine released, which gives them a greater feeling of confidence, and why depressed, and stressed people have lower dopamine released, and are prone to more worrying.

Low consideration is in part responsible for greater unused dopamine-availability, but it also can lead to more dopamine being released into unused availability.

This is in part why sociopaths can carry a False sense of self-justification: While consideration is not appropriately regarded in a sociopath, they can falsify an interpretation of the positive feeling from released dopamine in themselves as reporting to themselves that they’re doing pretty good, and in reaction to that determination regarding themselves, release further dopamine as 'Reward' for already feeling that things are pretty good (And all that is to say that there is a stupidity at work, and a belief in 'Reward' is a determination, and condition of a stupidity which shields a person from considering, that they might become understanding of the truth, and move beyond their ignorant state).

A released-dopamine-based means of self-evaluation is also a source of temperamentalness in sociopaths, as whenever challenges to their consideration experiences like a threat to their released dopamine, even when their forefront mind is completely blank regarding information that’s presented to them and they’re merely sensing delivered emotion, they can interpret the shift in their experienced released-dopamine as a threat against themselves, and can react in twitch anger, aggressiveness, and hostility – all for nothing to do with appropriate or considered reaction, but entirely in defence or retaliation of the sudden drop in their released dopamine, which they feel is a direct report upon themselves, and to be defended by reflex: Makes me feels good = is good / I'm good, makes me feels bad = is threat / other person is bad...

That self-judgement which determines that further dopamine should not be released in a person is also a process, just like any other in the brain, and the residing, or re-allocating dopamine to that determination (that shields dopamine from other processes) is also just another instance like when dopamine is re-allocated from that determination to a different process, or to be freely released to contribute to a person’s well-being. Thinking of dopamine retention as normal storage is a misreading, coming from darkened minds – all things are active processes in the brain, and the hoarding of dopamine into a determined self-judgement can become a very harmful reflex, which reduces the capability of a person to overcoming their self-judgements, as that withheld dopamine would be required to fuel the considering that would bring healthy understanding to such a brain and mind, which would then result in greater dopamine naturally being available to the person, to create a healthy and beneficial sense of well-being.

Similarly, when a person habitually uses dopaminergics and develops a “tolerance” to their increased dopamine release, that adjusting behavior is not correctly understood or communicated by using the term tolerance. When “tolerance” is setting in, a brain and mind are carrying out a person’s self-judgement regarding how good it is right for themselves to feel, in context with the consideration a person has submitted themselves to, and are counter-acting a dopaminergic drug’s circumvention of the mind’s determined self-judgement, and stabilizing things to achieve parity between the self-judgement and the experienced feeling. And as a person might have considered guilt, or other stressful processes into themselves in the course of using dopaminergics, the buoyed outcome of a minds return to stabilization could feel worse than the state that existed before using dopaminergics.

A person should have the healthy understanding that it’s entirely OK to use dopaminergics by their own discretion, and that every human brain fundamentally runs on Natural Cocaine, and that they should not consider negatively regarding use of dopaminergics. This will reduce the taxload on a brain’s dopamine expenditure, and free up additional dopamine budget in a person.

When a person is thirsty and dehydrated, what is the solution, and should they be frightened away from drinking water? And so what is the solution to a dopamine-starved conditions within a brain, which cannot be resolved apart from there somehow becoming available enough dopamine to process all the things that are producing a state of mental stress, and suffering? Experiencing dopamine is as fundamental and natural to human life as breathing air, and obstruction from a person's own self-regulation of their dopamine is tantamount to regulating people's ability to access and drink water, or breathe oxygen.

As a brain wires and re-wires itself according to how a person considers, the ability to release dopamine at will, and to any level desirable, can actually be considered into a person’s full control. When a person feels good in reaction to a 'Reward'-based understanding, that person is falsifying a justification to achieve a greater dopamine release inside themselves, and the effect is identical to a person taking a line of Cocaine, smoking some Crack, and very similar to Methamphetamine (apart from Methamphetamine's greater release of epinephrine). The experience of such a person telling or confirming to themselves that they’ve done good and so allowing themselves that greater feeling of good, is causing the same dopamine to be released as those drugs, and it is producing the same feeling. The only difference is that a Reward-based release occurred through a naive and simple-mindedness, a False determination stemming from limited consideration.

At any rate, dopamine releases within a person not in response to any earned or worked-for deservingness (an abused person has low dopamine release, having done nothing to deserve it - same goes for a sociopath's higher dopamine), but in simple reflex relaxation to a person’s perception about whether things are OK or not - while people's assessments for appropriateness can be absolutely all over the place, without any connection to substantiated appropriateness (so dopamine's release is entirely independent of earning, and its purpose has been  misattributed by people of low consideration). A person’s belief can be with or apart from their greater consideration, and their belief could be negatively constrained by senses within themselves for which the person doesn’t possess enough already-released dopamine to handle and consider into an understanding, that an evaluation of deservingness might come around. Dopamine's release is required ahead of all evaluation for evaluation to take place.

If a person can take control of their belief, they can freely give themselves the same continuous positive experience that Cocaine delivers, which is exactly what some sociopaths and highly active people feel as their regular state and think nothing of it.

Every person exists in their life at some placement on a gradient of dopamine-induced well-being / dopamine-lacking suffering that ranges between absolute horror and pain, all the way up to absolute strength, confidence, and a feeling of ecstasy exuding from every cell within their body. Presently, those of greater well-being have seen to it that those of suffering be kept in the demographic of suffering, while their states also receive capitalistic, mental, and emotional exploitation from many sides.


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