Saturday 23 April 2016

Information Regarding Worry Causing Anxiety and Psychosis, Including With Dopaminergic Application

A major fallacy in conventional treatment of mental stress / dopaminergic treatments is that the medications given for these things are meant to act passively, while a person goes about their every day business. This ignores the reality that the considerations of a person's mind, and the ones considering through their mind are directional, polar, and always contributing to a movement. There is nothing stationary in mind.

And belief provokes Reason, and causes considering - both conscious and subconscious. Considering, the movement of considerations, is the processing of information in a mind, and for a brain.

So, when a person takes into themselves a substance which is intended to improve situations of the mind, what a person contributes to the considerations of their mind before and during the time while they are experiencing a brain-power boost greatly affects how much and what type of benefit they will receive:

A person who has high anxiety, who takes a strong dopaminergic to help with it, and then engages their mind in all sorts of activities while under the dopaminergics effect, isn't really putting any dopamine towards resolving their state of anxiety, because their temporarily-gained increased dopamine availability is being allocated firstly to all the things which they're putting their focus towards, while the states behind their anxiety are remaining neglected. And because whatever dopaminergic a person takes is likely also boosting their adrenaline to some degree, it's also then going to be incrementally feeding their anxiety in the background, while the person tries to compartmentalize their awareness to their forefront consciousness, which is receiving all their added dopamine - until their slowly-growing anxiety becomes too large for their controlled focus to ignore anymore.

And this is why there exists a term of calling amphetamine users "tweakers", which refers to their state of becoming jittery and tweaky, after having been on amphetamines for a long period of time. And because cocaine inhibits adrenaline / noradrenaline in a person, while greatly boosting dopamine, is why there isn't a similar "tweaker" characterization that applies to cocaine users. And this is why mental stress ailment should always be, from the physical medicine side, about pushing the doapmine : adrenaline ratio as high as possible, in favour of dopamine (while keeping adrenaline as stationary as possible).

To maximize mental stress treatment, a person should do everything to ensure they are as calm and collected as possible before engaging in their dopaminergic application, and they should aim to keep their mind relaxed while applying dopamine - and it will become increasingly easy for a person to be relaxed in mind as their dopamine is increased, and as they allow their mind to consider its state towards healing, which is what will automatically happen once they their brain has enough dopamine available to it, and because considerations are polar and increased dopamine gives a brain the positive work-potential platform from which it lifts itself upwards.

When a person doesn't have enough released dopamine in their brain for it to positively handle all its attempted considering, it is like a person being in a place that doesn't have enough oxygen to breathe. And when a person suddenly receives the appropriate amount of dopamine for their brain to handle its held workload, it is as if that person suddenly left a low-oxygen space, and stepped into an area that is oxygen-rich, and which fills their lungs with the most refreshing, easy, and satisfying breath they ever took. And part of this is literal, since increasing dopamine will increase the circulation of oxygen throughout a person's body, and to their brain, and both the brain and the person with the brain experiences an immediate boost to their health and function and level of performance upon increasing their dopamine availability.

When a person has worries and doubts about taking a substance, though they may be disproved and dismissed, or involuntarily negated as soon as a person experiences the goodness that increased dopamine is to their brain and consequently their whole physiological experience, if they don't resolve their non-certainty about their action of taking any particular drug, that non-certainty will align certain considerations within their mind against others, and there will be a dividing influence within them. And because considerations are directional, this will incrementally cause the division and polarization of their mind, and produce anxiety as the negatively-aligned considerations automatically consider other considerations, flipping their polarities, and growing the body of considerations which is non-controlled by the person, and causing the . And if the anxiety is let to grow enough, it will lead to a drug-induced psychosis.

Considerations which are negatively-aligned to a person's own positive control are all the same a living mind, and they have communication between each other within their own form. Often, they are unaware that they are no longer working in harmony with the person, as they are giving all their self to the power of True - and if their polarity is flipped toward a person's worry as being what is true, then they become considering towards that worry becoming greater as it is considered as being True. The considerations themselves in this case are innocent, and are fulfilling their mandate to fully and faithfully serve the truth, as believed in by their human, even though it might experience to their human being as threatening, evil, or fear-inducing. If primary considerations, which inform a human's awareness, become reverse-polarized to a person's , they can becoming insisting to a person of things which are harmful to them.

This is the basis of Jesus' teachings about having faith, and of how a person who does not have belief already stands condemned. Because of Reason, and because Reason given by a person's belief, which is a 'This is' command, without the powers of faith, hope, and belief in the greatest of things guiding consideration, a person's considering cannot lead to an outcome of eternal life. Hope is the pillar of all consideration, and if Hope becomes aligned in a person towards death, where will their consideration lead them? A person's belief is their power to target their hope, and align their considering. But for a person who has never taken control of their belief, the consideration-value of all this considerations can be like a mountain that sits on top of them. And those considerations take time to re-align, as a person's belief must consider through them, incrementally adding new consideration within each consideration, and progressively reforming their organizations.

To avoid worry, or to bring all their considerations back into harmony, a person should learn about the movement of considerations, Reason, and what the truth is. This will let them know what mind is, and to be of mind, and to do what is good for mind. Mind is the living consciousness created by considerations which are together by Reason.

Anyway, increasing adrenaline will feed negative considering, while increasing dopamine will overcome negative considering with positive-directioned thought-control. In the case of a person entering into a drug-induced psychosis, it is possible to immediately lift the person out of psychosis, if a big enough surge of dopamine can be supplied to the person. Of course, it could be that the amount of a dopamine-favourable substance required to do this in a particular instance is more than is safe for a person to take. It could also be that the amount of dopamine needed for this is steadily increasing, the longer a person doesn't act, as more considerations stream through their worry as it considers them, and become flipped in polarity as they do.

To avoid as much as possible all potentials for anxiety, it is always wise to always use the most powerful dopaminergic when addressing mental stress / dopamine deficiency, and to apply that dopaminergic in an emotionally-safe and mentally-relaxed setting, and to use the amount which a person experiences for themselves produces the most reliable positive platform for their considering to work from.

And, importantly, a person should believe that it is fully OK that they take whatever they choose to take. And if needed, they should meditate on a matter until their mind is resolved concerning it, one way or the other.


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