Monday 18 April 2016

Article: brain's 'stopping' mechanism can be triggered by sounds to derail your train of thought

Article: brain's 'stopping' mechanism can be triggered by sounds to derail your train of thought

When a brain is working on anything, such as thought, it is assembling information together by way of dopamine allocation. A brain has a limited amount of dopamine available for allocation, and when another process is introduced, with a greater

for all things there is an ordering of considerations, and when another process is introduced, with a greater priority, dopamine will first be allocated towards it. If there isn't enough dopamine to be allocated to both the thinking that was previously happening, and the processing of the newly-introduced but higher-precedence task, such as heard sounds, then dopamine will cease being allocated to the thought-process, and its process will be dropped, as I just explained in this post:

"And at other times, a signal for which there isn't sufficient dopamine to keep it connected with its parental signal processes can be dropped, and this is what is the cause of ADD / ADHD"

Also, the reason why the sound would cause the thought-process to drop is the same reason why people with Autism sometimes experience sensitivity to audio, and as I also just explained in the same previous post:

"In other situations, there is a lack of dopamine to regulate a signal properly at synapses, but the signal is still being pulled along its path routing with great force, as the signal is synced to many other signals, which create a value to its force which overpowers the resistance it experiences at synapses - and this is what is behind sensitivity to audio and other senses"

Reason often causes incoming sensory information to be pulled through a brain with greater priority than conditional information, such as controlled thought, and so dopamine allocation is given to the greater reality, which is the real audio and sensory information. This can be overcome, if a person's mind is fully considered into their control, but a lot of people's minds are subject to their environment.

If dopamine is increased enough (while adrenaline / noradrenaline is kept from increasing), thought-processes will not drop due to environmental sensations and added information sources. And if dopamine availability is pushed high enough in a brain, that person can even sort multiple subjects independently of one another within their brain - say, even 5 completely different things can be worked on at once, all receiving an attention that is equal to a person's normal complete attention, when it is focused on a single thing and with no distractions.

It's just dopamine.

The article also says:

"The findings could provide insight into neurological conditions such as Parkinson's, where the body's signals for movement can become disrupted, leading to trembling muscles and slowed movements."

This happens with Parkinson's because the person's brain frays over time due to having been dopamine deficient for so long, and eventually there isn't enough dopamine to handle all the individual micro-processes that have broken from their original ones as signals were pulled along pathways while there was insufficient dopamine to handle them. Eventually, there isn't enough dopamine to even hold simple processes together, and they keep being disrupted, like a lot of micro instances of ADD within the brain.

Why dopamine deficiency hits some people in some ways, and other people in other ways is because "for all things there is an ordering of considerations". Mental stress emerges in different people due to different causes, afflicting different processes with them, and getting locked into, and possibly branching from those processes. And different people focus on different things within their mind. All things factor into how dopamine deficiency will be expressed within a person.

The article also says:

"The team believe that the same stopping mechanism could even offer a possible explanation for attention deficit disorders"

ADD is caused by signal-dropping due to insufficient dopamine to connect working information to its parent processes, as the parent processes are pulled through a person's brain. The stopping "mechanism" is a lack of dopamine availability. And, yeah, it explains both Parkinson's and ADD.


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