Friday 15 January 2016

Important Information on Application of Dopaminergism to Treat and Curing Mental Stress Ailments

i. understanding brain activity as both passive and active
ii. a listing of many applicable dosing considerations
iii. comparing dopaminergic usefulness using methamphetamine and cocaine as examples


I've said many times that, for the sake of overcoming and curing an ailing state, what a person does while experiencing a big increase in dopamine is as important as that they do so. This is because a brain's routing of signals is both passive and active, and so whatever medication a person takes, its influence is contextual to the environment of activity which it is being applied to.

Dopamine is what gives a person all of their thought power and control, and adrenaline is what agitates stress states, so when a dopaminergic is taken, including both very non-optimized and minimally beneficial ones like most of the ones which doctors prescribe to people, and also extremely optimized and highly beneficial ones like cocaine, there is thrust being put behind various processes within the brain.

The signals within a brain are polar and subject to magnetism. So when a mind looks in a direction, there are things like Energy-Field Walls fading in to place within the brain, choosing where a signal can and can't go, and the stronger the emphasis of thought, the stronger those walls will become.

A person in a state of stress is often trying to get around these walls they've formed by their considering. But a person cannot overcome them by determination, as anything that follows their creation is an extension of the considering processes which formed them, and a lesser consideration to them. Any strengthening of effort to defeat those walls will first strengthen them beyond what the output effort to defeat them is going to be. To remove those walls, a person must relax, let go of that considering, and as that considering becomes less the 'This is', the more those walls will fade. To control a person's mind to relax, they will need enough dopamine to take control of the thought processes involved.

The point to which the mind is looking is going to form the 'This' directive within the brain, and will be where available dopamine flows to. At the same time, the things which a person is trying to not look at within their brain, things which are worrying them, or that they're trying to avoid focusing on, are going to become increasingly agitated by the increased availability of adrenaline / noradrenaline.

A person in a highly stressed state, whose mind is in a panic and takes an inefficient dopaminergic (one which produces an unfavourable Dopamine:Adrenaline ratio), is going to experience an uncomfortable polarization within their brain between the points of controlled focus, which are promising something great, and the areas of avoidance, which are building in worry. Often, the build-up of adrenaline/noradrenaline's influence isn't going to exacerbate the worried considerations so much that they interfere with the bulk of the increased dopamine experience. But at the same time, if areas of the brain are being agitated by adrenaline into greater stress, that's not being productive towards the goal of curing the whole brain.

Psychosis is simply extreme stress, and when a person taking methamphetamine, adderall, or whatever, including many non dopaminergic drugs, experiences a drug-induced psychosis, it's due to considerations being walled-off from control, and collecting all the growing stress influence within the brain like a capacitor. The state of meth users tweaking after having used the drug for a long period of time is caused by this. They've formed concentrated node of highly distressed consideration within them, while they've been constantly compartmentalizing their focus on the positively-powered considerations.

This same dichotomy between positive and stressful influences, caused by adrenaline increasing unfavourably next to dopamine, is what causes instances of agitation, zoning out, and paranoia with some cases of dopaminergic use.

The goal in treating mental stress cases is obviously to resolve stress states and not cause them, and states of agitation can be avoided, controlled, and reversed by understanding dopamine, adrenaline, and that how they distribute throughout the brain is both passively and actively.


Some of the mental stress-treatment considerations that will work in agreement with the way dopamine and adrenaline apply within the brain are:

- Take whatever dopaminergic has the most favourable Dopamine:Adrenaline ratio. Always use the dopaminergic that pushes Dopamine the most while keeping Adrenaline / Noradrenaline restrained the most

- Dopamine releases a few seconds ahead of Adrenaline, and its positive influence will rush unimpeded for as long as adrenaline's rise doesn't show up to form a counter-weight effect. Because of this, the first few seconds of a dopaminergic dose are not only the most productive part of a dopamine increase, it also creates a very valuable buffer against adrenaline's chance to introduce a stressful influence

- Don't micro-dose. If doses are increased in small increments, adrenaline will keep forming a counter-influence before dopamine's increase gets going really fast, creating less of a buffer between dopamine's influence and adrenaline's, and losing the most valuable and most curative part of the dopaminergic effect

- Ingest by the most immediate-acting method that makes sense for a situation. A slow-acting dopaminergic increase will not produce the same window for dopamine to establish itself ahead of adrenaline's onset

So, push the Dopamine:Adrenaline ratio as high as possible in favour of dopamine, and as fast as possible. Dose once and make it as big as can safely be done, and then let everything return to normal before dosing a second time. And again, the second time, dose big and only once. Basically, the truth of treating and curing a state of Mental Stress calls for completely dismissing institutional and practitioner dosaging sensibilities on account of them being irrelevant, detrimental, and antithetical to the truth of positive health and its good treatment.

Some of the Mental Stress-treatment considerations that will work in agreement with the way a person's mental focus influences things are:

- Meditate beforehand to bring the mind to as much of a standstill as possible

- Fighting thought directions will strengthen those Energy-Field Walls, while relaxing and letting go in an environment of dopamine availability will result in the considering that is creating those walls to resolve, and the walls to dissipate

- Don't busy oneself while applying a dopaminergic increase. Doing so will focus the dopamine gain on active processes, rather than passively resolving troubled states within the brain, and will also serve to feed stressed states by starving them of a more even dopamine distribution within the brain

- Micro-dosing also generates many new taxing processes within the brain involved in tending to micro-dosing. And the whole point of positively addressing Mental Stress states is to resolve processes in a brain that has become over-taxed with them, relative to the present dopamine availability. So, again, don't micro-dose, and don't busy oneself. A person who practices being in a meditative state will be able to feel and see all the considerations as they move into states of resolution

- Nobody knows better than you regarding what is helpful for your mind and brain, and your experience is considerations evaluating as True, and they inform you of the truth. So don't let a doctor peddle their ignorance and ideological crap in your face

Even a state of high mental anxiety created by dopaminergic usage can be solved by taking enough more of a dopaminergic drug to completely tilt the Dopamine:Adreanline ratio in favour of dopamine enough to handle all of the uncontrolled stressed processes within the brain, and when a tweaking meth user is desperate for more meth, that's the state they're trying to get to. But smoking meth causes a very slow and gradual increase of dopamine, and so it's possible that a person tweaking might only make their agitation worse by taking more.

This isn't an entirely comprehensive list of factors in applying dopaminergism for the sake of treating and curing a state of mental stress, but it provides some important understanding. And with a complete understanding, a person can treat themselves and sail completely safely onward to improved well-being.


------------------------------------------------ side note ------------------------------------------------

Methamphetamine actually has a superior Dopamine:Adrenaline ratio to typical prescription dopaminergics, so that should inform a person of just how ineffective, useless, and designed to lock in a person's ailments to milk them for profit licensed medication actually is. Also, methamphetamine can be used to great success for mild stress states, if used knowingly, and it also used to be used (more successfully) for many of the things which now less-effective medications are being used.

If methamphatmine can be represented as:

Dopamine ++++
Adrenaline +++

Then cocaine might be representable as:

Dopamine ++++
Adrenaline --


Dopamine ++++++
Adrenaline +

Cocaine actually inhibits adrenaline's release, so that there's a diminished amount of adrenaline being released per measurement of dopamine, but as when taking cocaine the concept is that dopamine is getting boosted significantly, there's going to be an overall smaller increase of adrenaline's presence.

Cocaine pushes dopamine so far beyond adrenaline that it is very rare for a person to experience a growing agitation (although street-sold cocaine is notoriously impure). And when used knowingly, the risk of agitation while ingesting cocaine can be completely removed for even the most dire stress cases.


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